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MARCH 2024

Week 12

Asia-Pacific Aerospace Briefs Today

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March 19th 2024

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Today's briefs report news from International Aero Engines and Malaysia Airports. Read More »

The International Aero Engines consortium, comprising partners Japanese Aero Engines Corporation, MTU Aero Engines, Pratt & Whitney and Pratt & Whitney Aero Engines International, said it had completed tests of its V2500 powerplant used on the A320ceo and Embraer C-390 military aircraft with 100% sustainable aviation fuel.

Malaysia Airports has signed new agreements with the Malaysia government to operate, manage, maintain and develop 39 airports in the country for the next 45 years, taking the contract through to February 11 2069. The previous agreement was due to end in 2034. "The new terms grant the group the flexibility to strategically invest in airport development and modernisation as needed, alleviating any financial burden on the Malaysian government," Malaysia Airports acting CEO, Mohamed Rastam Shahrom, said.

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