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Top of the world’s airport class

The world’s biggest airport megahub, Dubai, has made a remarkable recovery from the pandemic, well ahead of its rivals. How did it return to serious business so quickly? An optimistic Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai Airports Corporation, explains the strategy driving the airport group’s success to associate editor and chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne.

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October 1st 2022

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For Dubai Airports Corporation, which operates the UAE’s two airport complexes, Dubai International Airport (DXB) and Dubai World Central (DWC), the onset of the pandemic was no different than it was for everyone. Read More » It was an absolute shock, the airport group’s CEO, Paul Griffiths, told Orient Aviation earlier this month. “We went from hero to zero in virtually no time at all. We were closed for 45 days. In May 2020, we had the same amount of passenger traffic through the airports in the month than we had in four hours in the previous May. It was just cataclysmically bad,” he said.

DXB and DWC closed to international passenger traffic on March 26, 2020, although the facilities continued cargo operations and flew more than 4,000 repatriation flights for around 450,000 passengers needing to return home, including UAE residents.

Restoration of scheduled operations was surprisingly quick. Emirates Airline restarted flights on June 21 and citizens were permitted to return to Dubai from June 22. Travel from Dubai to overseas destinations was opened from June 23 and international tourists were welcomed to the emirate from July 7.

DWC did not reopen until May this year, but it operated for a period to support the closure for refurbishment of one DXB runway. It will see action as it gears up for shuttle flights between Dubai and Doha for the FIFA World Cup in the final 10 days of November to December 18.

A little after two years of shutdown, “we have managed to achieve some amazing statistics,” Griffiths said. “At the moment, the only factor holding us back is that transit markets are negatively affected by closed border protocols.

“Obviously, we are missing a lot of the Chinese traffic because the borders are still closed there,” said Griffiths. The Chinese market is incredibly important, providing about 3% or 2.6 million passengers a year to Dubai. “It is a very significant number. It will help getting back to the Chinese market,” he said. “Asia in general has been slower than the rest of the world. But everything is really quite significantly better than it was.”

At press time, weekly passenger numbers through the emirate’s airport are around 1.34 million or 84% of 2019 levels. Direct demand, that is passengers flying into Dubai and not transiting, is about 94.2% of overall 2019 levels. Transfer passengers have climbed to 72.4% of three years ago. “Those [closed] borders are a challenge and not every airline has put the amount of pre-pandemic capacity back into the market,” Griffiths said.

‘We are hoping the transfer market will pick up. Our forecast for the year is 64.3 million passengers, about 85%-90% of pre-pandemic numbers. By the end of 2023, we will probably be back at overall pre-pandemic levels if those transfer markets continue to recover.”

Historically, Dubai’s traffic has been 50/50 and up to 60/40 in favour of transfers. Now it’s 60/40 in favour of direct traffic, which Griffiths describes as “an amazing turnaround and an amazing endorsement” of Dubai’s popularity.

Just how rapidly recovery is gathering pace was revealed in the airport’s latest official statistics. In the first half of 2022, to June 30, DXB traffic was 27.9 million passengers, up 161.9% year-on-year, or 67.5% of 2019 levels.

Interim passenger volume was near to full-year 2021 traffic at 29.1 million passengers. It is a milestone achieved despite a significant reduction in capacity from the 45-day closure of the airport’s northern runway in May-June. The annual passenger forecast for 2022 has been revised up to 64.2 million travellers, although it is still way short of the 86.4 million passengers the airports processed in 2019.

How did Dubai beat the rest of the airport world in turning disaster into opportunity? “We were making decisions and moving forward far quicker than anyone else,” Griffiths said. “For a start, the government embarked on a vaccination program for the entire country that was the most ambitious in the world.

“I think it was us and Israel that led the way on everyone in the country being vaccinated very, very quickly. Initially, we took fairly draconian measures to control the spread of the virus. We had curfews. We had mask wearing. We closed all restaurants. We did all of those things, but they were short and sharp, which was good.

“Within the airport we did masses of different stuff. We took immediate steps to protect our customers and our staff: PPE (personal protective equipment) and cleanliness of surfaces; initiatives to resolve problems and the perceptions people had about the transmissibility of the virus.”

A key factor in the turnaround was reassuring people that travelling to and through Dubai was safe. “We said we do this at Dubai. We have vaccination programs. We have PPE. We have all these things. We will cover your medical expenses if you come here and you get sick. We have really good medical care with a rapid PCR test for everyone.

“We set up the world’s largest PCR on site-testing laboratory to process the tests we had administered. I don’t think there was any other airport in the world that coped with the testing regime. We tested on arrival. We tested on departure. We had enough capacity to do that and contrary to everywhere else in the world, all of the arrivals testing was free.

“Where lots of people were bandits and charging US$150 to US$200 for a PCR test, we were offering them free of charge on arrival. These measures gave us a reputational boost. We have seen that because traffic to and from the city has come back stronger than ever before. We are at 111% of our pre-pandemic numbers in visitors to the city. It’s regarded as a safe haven now.”

The airport worked very closely with its airline customers, its suppliers and staff to cope with the crisis. “We had to acknowledge we were not alone. Everyone was together in this crisis,” Griffiths said.

Dubai Airports CEO concedes he is an adrenaline junkie
Paul Griffiths is a maestro in more ways than one. Not only does he oversee the complex task of running the world’s biggest aviation megahub, he is an organist who has performed in venues around the world including Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. In February 2019 he was at the organ’s keys in Abu Dhabi for the Papal Mass marking the visit of Pope Francis to the Arabian Peninsula, the first Roman Catholic pope to do so.
It seems a long way from the 65-year-old’s other passion, fast cars. He collects motorcycles and cars and is a regular participant in motorsport events in the UAE and overseas. Griffiths has even driven a Lotus Formula 1 car around the Hungarian Grand Prix circuit.
Organ playing and car racing? Not so far apart, Griffiths told Orient Aviation. “Basically, I think my life is full of adrenalin. The adrenalin of running a very complex airport. Having been on both sides of the track in the airline business and now in the airport business, the airport business is far more complicated than running an airline. I can tell you that,” he said.
“So I think the complex job is based around adrenalin. And if you actually look at the music I play, that’s also full of adrenalin. Some of the repertoire I perform is quite demanding.
“It needs a huge amount of energy and adrenalin as well. And my motor racing interests are similarly filled with adrenalin. That adrenalin is the common drug that joins them altogether.”
Married to composer Joanne Marsh, the father of three told Orient Aviation he has four quadrants in his life: his hobbies, his professional life, his music and, most important of all, his family. “I’m happiest when the crosshairs of those four quadrants are exactly in the centre.”
A confessed “transport junkie” and interested in “anything that moves” he has a restored Hawker Sidley GR1 Harrier (Jump Jet) which is on display at Brooklands Museum in the UK.
“Restoring that jet fighter was one of the most rewarding things I have done. I did not do it personally, but the people I employed and the project I managed was just incredible,” he explained.
Neither is there any thing hobby-like about his music. “I have an organ in my house in the UK and an organ in Dubai. I play concerts all over the world. I fixed a date yesterday for New York. I will be going to do that next April. I have, hopefully, a concert series in Australia and New Zealand I will try to fit in next year,” he said.
Professionally, Griffiths entered the travel industry in 1977 as a contracts executive with the OSL/Wings travel group, which was owned by the Rank Organization. He moved to Hong Kong in 1986 and became Marketing Manager of the then start-up airline, Dragonair. In 1989, he returned to the UK and established a software company that developed proprietary information management systems for the airline industry. One of his contracts was with Virgin Atlantic. In 1991, Richard Branson asked him to join the airline as its executive director, commercial.
In his ten years with Virgin, he was responsible for the strategic growth of the airline and many of its notable commercial successes, including the sale of 49% of Virgin Atlantic to Singapore Airlines in 2000. In 2001, he became a board director of the Virgin Rail Group.
Three years later he joined BAA (British Airports Authority) and in 2005 became chairman and managing director of London’s Gatwick Airport. He was appointed by Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum as the first CEO of the new Dubai Airports Corporation in 2007.

“We established a simple principle with our customers, our suppliers and our staff. It was “that we were not going to transfer the financial and social pain we are all suffering. We are not going to transfer it from us to you. Nor are we going to accept the transfer of pain from you to us. What we will do is work very hard and very diligently to share the pain with you’.”

Contracts with suppliers were renegotiated, removing nearly a billion Dirhams (around $272 million) from supply chain costs. “We have not put lots of those costs back in. They have been negotiated at the height of the crisis and we have retained the benefits from them which is really good,” he said.

“We quickly reached agreements with airlines to waive landing and parking charges, scaling the costs of the business so it was affordable and relevant to operations. With staff, the airport took a large majority of its customer service staff, cleaning staff and maintenance staff and agreed long-term contractual arrangements with third party contractors.

“Basically, we said to third party contractors take these people and put them onto a contract we can stretch out over a long period of time. Use the down time to train them and when the airport bounces back, which we knew it would, we want them back quickly and better trained.

“We did stand down some employees. We took the opportunity to scale back, particularly at management level. We did reduce quite dramatically – about 34% of our staff - but the large majority of them went to third party contractors.”

Griffiths said the structures the airport put in place during the crisis were a big risk. “We did not have all the data to make the rational decision, but we came to the point where we just had to make the decision and hope that it would have a good outcome.” he said.

“I believe it has been a good outcome. We ended up in a situation where we could react quickly and with scale as soon as the recovery came. We knew it would be strong. We just did not know when it was going to happen.

 “We had exactly the right structure to react appropriately when traffic did come back. We have had no resource problems, no shortages and no shortcomings in customer service. We have been able to reactivate the airport and take the operation back to scale incredibly fast. Compared with a lot of airports around the world, everyone was wondering how we did it. How did we manage it? It was because we structured the success in the future and managed the problem of the day.”

“Customer needs were changing. Staff needs were changing,” Griffiths said. “People needed reassurance they were not going to become ill if they travelled. Before, it was about Wi-Fi speed, the quality of duty free shopping and the price of the food at outlets,” he said.

“All of those disappeared. Number one, it become can you reassure me that travel rules, which were being revised all the time, will allow me to take this trip and return home safely as scheduled.

“Secondly, can you guarantee I will not get sick when I travel? It became all about that. So we were able to put the testing in place. We were able to reassure people Dubai was a safe, clean and medically safe city to visit. We made the travel journey as seamless as we possibly could. Recognizing customer needs had changed was absolutely fundamental to making everything else work effectively.”

“What have we learned from the crisis? Firstly, the hope that governments will work together to establish common standards for safe global travel is unlikely. I was highly sceptical of it from the word go and my scepticism was well-placed.”

“What we saw, and it was probably one of the most difficult issues of the entire pandemic, because it made the pandemic last a lot longer, were the ever-changing travel restrictions governments imposed on travel. Largely, they were not based on medical advice. They were whimsical political statements plucked out of the air, more to sustain fragile democratic majorities than to protect the travelling public and make travel possible again.

“That was the very lamentable realization quite early on that persisted pretty much all the way through the pandemic. The second lesson we learnt was a crisis always favours the bold, the innovative and people who see and do things differently.”

Griffiths dismisses suggestions from some quarters that video conferencing will replace flying and that new high technology aircraft, able to fly longer distances, will result in overflying Dubai rather than landing there. On the latter, he points out the same forecasts were made when the B747-400 was launched. “Everyone was thinking, ‘oh well that’s the end of the Middle East as a transport hub’. In fact, the Middle East then evolved its own aviation model, becoming a hub in its own right. We have been very adaptable at moving forward,” he said.

People “can’t get enough of flying”
“I will paraphrase Newton’s third law: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. We knew for every downturn there was going to be an equal and opposite upturn.
“I have been in this business long enough to know every crisis is followed by a pretty strong and immediate rebound. Travel is an aspirational commodity. Everyone loves to travel and I think it has become almost in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (essentially what needs people have that take precedence over others) pretty close to the top now. In most people’s agenda the freedom to travel has become a phenomenon over the last 50 years that people can’t get enough of.”
“People really missed it and they could not get enough of it when it became possible to travel again”.

Dubai Airports CEO, Paul Griffiths

Also, the view that point-to-point traffic on longer haul routes will displace the importance of hubs is not a logical extrapolation of route networks, Griffiths insists. “Let’s take a city pair out of the air. Chiang Mai to Nairobi. Could you ever imagine there would be enough people in Chiang Mai or Nairobi wanting to travel between those cities in a single hop? And even if this was so, what size airplane would you put up?” he asked.

“The answer is (a) demand would be small, and (b) you would never have enough traffic for the route to be sustainable or profitable. However, if you put people on a service from Chiang Mai to Singapore and from Singapore to Nairobi you can easily sustain a daily service because the number of connecting opportunities people arriving from Chiang Mai and people arriving from Nairobi would have through Singapore are considerable.

“The same applies to Dubai. If you offer it as a hub you can bring people to the hub and then disperse them to literally thousands of different unique city pairs never available on a point-to-point route.

“I just don’t buy the argument hubs are dead and point-to-point traffic will replace them. It’s never going to happen.”

As for the challenges ahead, Griffiths said if we could all move in lock step towards the same point, it would be easy. “Obviously, markets are recovering at different rates. The difficulty we have is some markets are slower to recover than others. We have the capacity and the aircraft to serve more markets than are commercially viable at the moment,” he said.

“The second issue is a worldwide shortage of cockpit and cabin crew. So many of them have left the industry and pursued new careers. Replacing them and recertifying aircraft that have been in storage are obviously big challenges. Actually, we have to look at this.”

Griffiths said many airlines and airports made huge cutbacks in staff during the pandemic and are struggling to remobilize. “If you look at BA (British Airways), Heathrow and some of the American carriers, their traffic has rebounded and demand is there. But they are having huge problems recovering their operations to satisfactory levels. It has been a real problem,” he said.

Carriers that were more resilient during the pandemic – he counts Emirates and FlyDubai among them – will fare better post-pandemic, he said. At press time, FlyDubai is operating at 144% of pre-COVID capacity.

“It shows how strongly they recovered from the pandemic. The competitive landscape has changed. We have to do more to reassure our customers about the quality of service we are providing. We have to make absolutely sure people want and choose to fly a combination of Emirates and FlyDubai and use our airports rather than going through Istanbul, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Frankfurt or other places.

“We have to offer them an end-to-end journey so compelling that people will only want to fly with us and people will continue to want to use the service we provide.”

While the pandemic held back growth at Dubai’s airports, Griffiths is confident about their potential because planning for expansion has begun. “In fact, I have a proposal on the table for the consideration of our board by our chairman. It advocates significant investment in aviation infrastructure in the next few years planned to get us to the traffic numbers we were seeing originally,” he said.

“Of course, it is dependent on lots of other factors: growth in aviation based on global GDP, the availability of aircraft necessary to support that level of growth and our ability to provide the appropriate airport infrastructure to support it.

“There are many things that will have an impact [on Dubai airports] in the next few years. But we remain optimistic. Maybe it will not be at quite the scale we saw [pre-COVID], nonetheless you can rely on Dubai being a very influential and pre-eminent global hub for some considerable period of time.”

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OMG! Thank you so much Dr. Oniha for restoring my Broken marriage after 4 years of total separation from my lovely husband cos of her mistress who used a spell on him to abandon me and our kids. I saw a testimony on the internet of one Flora testifying of your good work, I contacted you which assured me just 48 hours for an instant result. Sir just same 48 hours as you promise my husband came back home begging for forgiveness to love and cherish i and the kids forever, am so happy and thankful to you Dr. Oniha,,,I am So Happy and Excited because as i am writing this Testimony, My husband is madly in love with me again. If there is anyone Out there who needs spiritual assistance in his/her relationship should kindly Contact Dr. Oniha he can also be of help to you. His contact address is as follows. Email:onihaspelltemple@gmail.com CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 Website: http://onihaspells.com


August 24th 2024 03:13am

OMG! Thank you so much Dr. Oniha for restoring my Broken marriage after 4 years of total separation from my lovely husband cos of her mistress who used a spell on him to abandon me and our kids. I saw a testimony on the internet of one Flora testifying of your good work, I contacted you which assured me just 48 hours for an instant result. Sir just same 48 hours as you promise my husband came back home begging for forgiveness to love and cherish i and the kids forever, am so happy and thankful to you Dr. Oniha,,,I am So Happy and Excited because as i am writing this Testimony, My husband is madly in love with me again. If there is anyone Out there who needs spiritual assistance in his/her relationship should kindly Contact Dr. Oniha he can also be of help to you. His contact address is as follows. Email:onihaspelltemple@gmail.com CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962


August 20th 2024 08:50pm

HOW TO BRING A LOST LOVER BACK TO LOVE YOU AGAIN, PROPHET ISAAC CAN ALSO HELP PREVENT A DIVORCE. I am so grateful to this great man called Prophet Isaac, that he was able to bring back my lost lover, this man brought happiness back into my life. To begin with, I saw a testimony online about how Prophet Isaac helped someone to bring back their ex within 28 hours, so I decided to give a chance to Prophet Isaac to bring back my lover who left for another man 3 years ago, prophet Isaac gave me assurance and said that my ex-wife would come back sooner than I could imagine. As soon as it was 28 hours my ex-wife (JOAN) called me and said she was sorry for everything she did to me, I'm so happy to have my ex-wife back in my life, what would I have done if not for the powerful help of prophet Isaac. I recommend Prophet Isaac to anyone who needs help in their love life. Prophet Isaac can also prevent divorce. You can contact Prophet Isaac via email: urgentspellcast01@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724. Prophet Isaac also has a Telegram Number: +1 548 732 8575


August 20th 2024 08:50pm

HOW TO BRING A LOST LOVER BACK TO LOVE YOU AGAIN, PROPHET ISAAC CAN ALSO HELP PREVENT A DIVORCE. I am so grateful to this great man called Prophet Isaac, that he was able to bring back my lost lover, this man brought happiness back into my life. To begin with, I saw a testimony online about how Prophet Isaac helped someone to bring back their ex within 28 hours, so I decided to give a chance to Prophet Isaac to bring back my lover who left for another man 3 years ago, prophet Isaac gave me assurance and said that my ex-wife would come back sooner than I could imagine. As soon as it was 28 hours my ex-wife (JOAN) called me and said she was sorry for everything she did to me, I'm so happy to have my ex-wife back in my life, what would I have done if not for the powerful help of prophet Isaac. I recommend Prophet Isaac to anyone who needs help in their love life. Prophet Isaac can also prevent divorce. You can contact Prophet Isaac via email: urgentspellcast01@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724. Prophet Isaac also has a Telegram Number: +1 548 732 8575


August 20th 2024 08:50pm

HOW TO BRING A LOST LOVER BACK TO LOVE YOU AGAIN, PROPHET ISAAC CAN ALSO HELP PREVENT A DIVORCE. I am so grateful to this great man called Prophet Isaac, that he was able to bring back my lost lover, this man brought happiness back into my life. To begin with, I saw a testimony online about how Prophet Isaac helped someone to bring back their ex within 28 hours, so I decided to give a chance to Prophet Isaac to bring back my lover who left for another man 3 years ago, prophet Isaac gave me assurance and said that my ex-wife would come back sooner than I could imagine. As soon as it was 28 hours my ex-wife (JOAN) called me and said she was sorry for everything she did to me, I'm so happy to have my ex-wife back in my life, what would I have done if not for the powerful help of prophet Isaac. I recommend Prophet Isaac to anyone who needs help in their love life. Prophet Isaac can also prevent divorce. You can contact Prophet Isaac via email: urgentspellcast01@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724. Prophet Isaac also has a Telegram Number: +1 548 732 8575

Mariam Wilson says:

August 17th 2024 01:33am

My marriage is a direct result of Prophet Isaac's love magic. For years, he has cast spells of divine affection to help me sort out issues with my partner. As I neared retirement, I knew that life after employment would bring its own set of difficulties, so I turned to Prophet Isaac for advice. He promised me that I would hit the jackpot if I adhered to his instructions to the letter. I collected the items needed for the lottery spell and, feeling sure of myself, revealed my retirement intentions to my boss, who agreed to July 17 as my retirement day. Three days after that, I went to a J&J Variety store in West Boylston, Mass, as Prophet Isaac had instructed, and to my surprise, I won $1,000,000. I chose to take the cash prize of $650,000. I am deeply thankful to Prophet Isaac. I invite you to express your thanks to him or reach out to Prophet Isaac for help via email: (urgentspellcast01@gmail.com), WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724, Telegram @web_wizard511 or on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RealWhiteMagicSpell.

Alan Sevillo says:

August 12th 2024 04:40pm

I WON $2MILLION: Winning the lottery felt impossible until I sought the help of Lord Bubuza the great lottery spell caster. After years of playing without success, I reached out to him after reading testimonials/Recommendation of his powerful lottery spells online. I Followed his instructions, Lord Bubuza cast a lottery spell and revealed the winning numbers to me just two hours later. I bought my ticket at a London drug store on 66 Avenue in Langley, and amazingly, I won $2 million in the BC/49 lottery! I'm incredibly grateful to Lord Bubuza for this life-changing miracle. If you need help to win too, I highly recommend him. Join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework@hotmail.com or call/text: +1 505 569 0396

Alan Sevillo says:

August 12th 2024 04:40pm

I WON $2MILLION: Winning the lottery felt impossible until I sought the help of Lord Bubuza the great lottery spell caster. After years of playing without success, I reached out to him after reading testimonials/Recommendation of his powerful lottery spells online. I Followed his instructions, Lord Bubuza cast a lottery spell and revealed the winning numbers to me just two hours later. I bought my ticket at a London drug store on 66 Avenue in Langley, and amazingly, I won $2 million in the BC/49 lottery! I'm incredibly grateful to Lord Bubuza for this life-changing miracle. If you need help to win too, I highly recommend him. Join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework@hotmail.com or call/text: +1 505 569 0396

Maria Schaeffler says:

August 3rd 2024 10:54pm

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won’t be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 to 72 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him… Email: okutemple@gmail.com or whatsApp him +2347053113465

Maria Schaeffler says:

August 3rd 2024 10:53pm

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won’t be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 to 72 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him… Email: okutemple@gmail.com or whatsApp him +2347053113465

Abigail Kelly says:

August 1st 2024 04:25pm

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; Babablackmirrorsofpowers.blogspot.com and here is his email; Babablackmirrors@gmail.com I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Molly says:

July 30th 2024 06:16am

Hello friends, I would like to share my experience with Dr Osazu, a great spell caster. I was going through hard times in my relationship because my fiancé of one year suddenly told us to call off our wedding, that he was no longer interested in me. I was confused and sought help. That is how I met Dr Osazu online, who made a love spell and my fiance went down on his knees to apologize. Thanks to Dr Osazu, we are happily married. Contact osazu_spell@outlook.com . You won't regret it.

Niki nicole says:

July 27th 2024 04:11pm

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail.com https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61563202476168

Niki nicole says:

July 27th 2024 04:11pm

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail.com https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61563202476168

Anita Wolverine says:

July 26th 2024 07:46pm

I am writing this testimonial to express my deep gratitude for the incredible support and help that Professor Isaac has given me. His spell not only brought unexpected happiness into my life but also changed my circumstances in ways I could never have imagined, I have won over $2,000,000 using Professor Isaac's magic wheel and am committed to recommending Professor Isaac to anyone interested in winning the lottery. 👇👇👇 Email: urgentspellcast01@gmail.com Prophet Isaac WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724.

Anita Wolverine says:

July 26th 2024 07:45pm

I am writing this testimonial to express my deep gratitude for the incredible support and help that Professor Isaac has given me. His spell not only brought unexpected happiness into my life but also changed my circumstances in ways I could never have imagined, I have won over $2,000,000 using Professor Isaac's magic wheel and am committed to recommending Professor Isaac to anyone interested in winning the lottery. 👇👇👇 Email: urgentspellcast01@gmail.com Prophet Isaac WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724.

Maria Schaeffler says:

July 26th 2024 12:52am

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 to 72 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email: okutemple@gmail.com or whatsApp him +2347053113465

Maria Schaeffler says:

July 26th 2024 12:52am

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 to 72 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email: okutemple@gmail.com or whatsApp him +2347053113465

Niki nicole says:

July 22nd 2024 11:07am

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail.com

wayne murray says:

July 21st 2024 11:24am

I won the $10million lottery jackpot twice within one year, although it was not by my powers. I'm Wayne Murray from Brooklyn, i was very lucky to contact Dr Lucas a great spell caster that has never fail, when i contacted Dr Lucas through the Email and WhatsApp i got online he responded to me at once and i explained to him that i want to win the lottery, his response was that making people win the lottery is the easiest thing for him to do, so he started working on my spell immediately i provided all the necessary requirements for him, i was curious to know how it is going to work and how I'm going to win with his numbers so that made me obbey all his instructions, after 48hours he gave me the numbers and instructed me on how to play, so when i played i actually WON, but i still didn't believe he did it then, so i pleaded with him to give me another numbers again which he freely did, and to my greatest surprise I won the second time, Dr Lucas is real and genuine, tested and trusted. I never wanted to mention this on social media but i can't keep this to myself alone, i need people to also benefit from the blessings of Dr Lucas, his Email is Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +234 904 794 3567 this is the best tips i can give to anyone who's trying to win the lottery

wayne murray says:

July 21st 2024 11:24am

I won the $10million lottery jackpot twice within one year, although it was not by my powers. I'm Wayne Murray from Brooklyn, i was very lucky to contact Dr Lucas a great spell caster that has never fail, when i contacted Dr Lucas through the Email and WhatsApp i got online he responded to me at once and i explained to him that i want to win the lottery, his response was that making people win the lottery is the easiest thing for him to do, so he started working on my spell immediately i provided all the necessary requirements for him, i was curious to know how it is going to work and how I'm going to win with his numbers so that made me obbey all his instructions, after 48hours he gave me the numbers and instructed me on how to play, so when i played i actually WON, but i still didn't believe he did it then, so i pleaded with him to give me another numbers again which he freely did, and to my greatest surprise I won the second time, Dr Lucas is real and genuine, tested and trusted. I never wanted to mention this on social media but i can't keep this to myself alone, i need people to also benefit from the blessings of Dr Lucas, his Email is Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +234 904 794 3567 this is the best tips i can give to anyone who's trying to win the lottery.

Niki nicole says:

July 20th 2024 02:02pm

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail. com His facebook page...https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552907003445

Niki nicole says:

July 19th 2024 04:32pm

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail. com His facebook page...https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552907003445

Niki nicole says:

July 19th 2024 04:31pm

EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711) Email: happylovespell2@gmail. com His facebook page...https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552907003445

cindy says:

July 12th 2024 01:11am

I have been suffering from (HPV) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the Internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Akhigbe and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Akhigbe telling him about my (Herpes Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email doctorakhigberemedies@gmail.com Call or Text him number on whatsapp +2347083551316 order on this website click : https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie 

cindy says:

July 11th 2024 11:33pm

I have been suffering from (HPV) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the Internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Akhigbe and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Akhigbe telling him about my (Herpes Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email doctorakhigberemedies@gmail.com Call or Text him number on whatsapp +2347083551316 order on this website click : https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie 

cindy says:

July 11th 2024 11:06pm

I have been suffering from (HPV) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the Internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Akhigbe and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Akhigbe telling him about my (Herpes Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email doctorakhigberemedies@gmail.com Call or Text him number on whatsapp +2347083551316 order on this website click : https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie 

cindy says:

July 11th 2024 11:06pm

I have been suffering from (HPV) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the Internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Akhigbe and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Akhigbe telling him about my (Herpes Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email doctorakhigberemedies@gmail.com Call or Text him number on whatsapp +2347083551316 order on this website click : https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie 

cindy poole says:

July 11th 2024 02:03am

I have been suffering from (HPV) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the Internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Akhigbe and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Akhigbe telling him about my (Herpes Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email doctorakhigberemedies@gmail.com Call or Text him number on whatsapp +2347083551316 order on this website click : https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie 

Deacon Mark says:

July 10th 2024 12:19pm

Greetings from Deacon Mark from Florida, United State. It is so overwhelming to know that honest hackers do still exist these days though it's hard to get to them. Have been living under a blind romantic scam with my girlfriend not knowing he was after my Dad money, no way to get to my dad except through me, he was hired to ruin my life. He made me fall in love with him so crazy and after two months of our relationship he traveled without my knowledge and I was so worried about him because I couldn't reach him and this lead me to Wizard Brixton and it was not easy getting to know this great wizard, I email him directly via WIZARDBRIXTON (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM and he then asked me to reach him on WhatsApp if my case was very urgent and I urgently contacted him Immediately I contacted him' I asked him to help me with the exact location of my girlfriend where-about and he then asked for his mobile number and I gave it out to him not so long he just asked me to wait for 15 minutes and exactly the time he gave to me he got back with unbelievable news. I wouldn't have believed him if he didn't get back with proof because I so much trusted my girlfriend and loved her, why I log in to the mobile spy anonymous monitor I saw for myself that she was with another Man in Maryland, USA. I then see all conversations and WhatsApp voice records with his boss. Well, All thanks to Wizard Brixton though it actually hurts to know the truth his services I highly recommend and he is very active and fast with a sense of humor. Do reach him today for similar cases and loss of funds. He also retrieves my funds back , I email him directly via WIZARDBRIXTON (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM Telegram : https://t.me/wizardbrixtonhackersrecovery

Danielle Russell says:

July 9th 2024 09:47pm

DR GERALD IS THE BEST SPELL CASTER ONLINE WHO RESTORED MY BROKEN RELATIONSHIP AND I HIGHLY RECOMMENDS DR GERALD ANYONE IN NEED OF HELP! WHATSAPP +14242983869 My husband left me for another woman 1 year ago and ever since then my life has been filled with pain, sorrow and heart break because he was my first love whom I have spent my entire life with. A friend of mine told me he saw some testimonies of a spell caster called Dr Gerald that he can bring back lover within few hours, i laugh it out and said am not interested but because of the love my friend had for me, she consulted the great spell caster on my behalf and to my greatest surprise after 11 hours my husband called me for the very first time after 1 year that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for everything he made me went through. He is back to me and now we are happy together. I still can't believe it, because it is highly unbelievable. Thank you Dr Gerald for bringing back my husband and also to my lovely friend who interceded on my behalf, for anyone who might need the help of this great spell caster here is the email address psychicspiritualrealm@gmail.com WhatsApp: +14242983869 Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/Psychicspiritualrealm

Anderson Gate says:

July 8th 2024 08:43pm

My name is Anderson Gate and I’m a professional photographer who invested in crypto trading and was conned of my hard-earned money by a crypto group. I lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin to this scam. I was nearly losing my mind when I came across FIRMWALL Cyber Security, an ethical recovery company with professional white hat hackers who were able to assist me in the recovery of my crypto. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend their service to everyone who needs to recover their stolen crypto funds. You can contact them via Email: Firmwallcyber@techie . Com  Telegram: @Firmwallcyber (+1 213 672 4092 ) URL-(https:// firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall)

Alexander Liam says:

July 8th 2024 11:07am

It's good to get help from professionals in Wizard Garry Security. They likely have expertise in digital forensics and could potentially assist in tracing the movement of your lost USDT/BTC and identifying any security vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss. Make sure to follow their guidance closely and provide any necessary information they request to aid in the recovery process. If you haven't already, also consider reaching out to office Gmail { wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com } cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers for assistance. visit office Telegram :{+1 513 602 3179} They may be able to provide additional insights or support in recovering your lost funds to fake investments or frozen accounts and wallets.

ambrose says:

July 5th 2024 08:23am

They are heartless scammers, they ruined my life, by making me develop interest to invest my hard earned money. I deposited 10.7850 euros in June 2020, which was later turned to 98,908.00 euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in few days, 2 months later I had a car accident and needed money to pay my insurance access, Suddenly I was sent from Pillar to post, i tried reaching out to them to collect the money i invested to pay off my debts, they cut the live chats and got harassed from 1 to the other, until they told me I will forever be poor, then I realized that I was being scammed. I just wanted my money back! I was advised by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, God so kind i was able to reach out to a recovery guru BY leonardmccallwizard@gmail.com or via Telegram @financewizard001 whatsapp +19178098404 , i was able to recover my funds with the help of Mr LEONALDMCCALLWIZARD he's an expert on lost funds, crypto/forex and bitcoin recovery.

Regina says:

June 29th 2024 12:16pm

GENUINE HACKER FOR HIRE I lost more than $250,000 to scammers when I was trying to invest. To make matters worse, I also lost $175,000 in bitcoin while attempting to track down the scammer and recover my money. Eventually, I came across an article online that mentioned a company, so I gave them a shot despite my reservations and was able to recover a respectable sum of money from them. In addition, the scammer's website was taken down and they were apprehended. I mean it when I say you need help. Reach out to these folks. Email : Kennycryptocurrencyrecovery@mail.com CERTAINLY THEY CAN ASSIST.


June 26th 2024 06:26am

I used to be a very poor woman who has always not found luck when it comes to playing the lottery. I have been playing the lottery since i was 21 years and now i am 45 meaning i have been playing lottery for 24 years. The biggest amount I have ever won in my life was 400 bucks. But one day my story turns to history after I find this man's name on the Internet that he is the best when it comes to winning the lottery. This man is a very strong voodoo doc who gives out the numbers that can never fail. After all my years of laboring and struggling to win the lottery i finally won ( $27,000,000) Dr Alli is the name, Email: allispellhelp1@gmail.com or contact him on his whatsApp number +2348100772528 this is the only way to win the lottery and the best way

Grace says:

June 22nd 2024 10:59pm

WORKING WITH OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS / RESTORING LOST CRYPTOCURRENCY It is causing victims among people. I'm thrilled to tell you about my amazing experience working with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, a recovery company. I put $155,000 into a fictitious venture. following being a victim. I didn't know whether I would ever see my hard-earned money again, and I was devastated. I'm glad that OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, who assisted me in getting my Bitcoin back, was discovered on Google. How OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS helped me get my lost cryptocurrency back is something I will never forget. I never would have thought it was possible to recover cryptocurrency. For anyone who is in a similar situation, I suggest OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. their everlasting dedication to the welfare of their clients and their unmatched proficiency in cryptocurrency recovery. You can get in contact with them using WhatsApp.: +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz They rank is one of the best recovery companies in the worldwide

Emily Faye says:

June 21st 2024 11:09pm

I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348120513902

Ruth maris says:

June 13th 2024 08:30am

I used to be a very poor woman who has always not found luck when it comes to playing the lottery. I have been playing the lottery since i was 21 years and now i am 45 meaning i have been playing lottery for 24 years. The biggest amount I have ever won in my life was 400 bucks. But one day my story turns to history after I find this man's name on the Internet that he is the best when it comes to winning the lottery. This man is a very strong voodoo doc who gives out the numbers that can never fail. After all my years of laboring and struggling to win the lottery i finally won ( $27,000,000) Dr Alli is the name, Email: allispellhelp1@gmail.com or contact him on his whatsApp number +2348100772528 this is the only way to win the lottery and the best way

momos smith says:

June 13th 2024 03:53am

I have always dreamt of winning BIG in the lottery. I surfed the internet for help to win the lottery massively and I was directed to LORD RICHARD. I had a chat with him about what I needed and he assured me that his spell will make me become a lottery winner. He got back to me after 3 days with the numbers that I needed to play the lottery and told me to believe in myself. I felt enveloped by the control of the spell. I took his words and played the Mega Millions Lottery. Two days later, I was sent an email that I've won the sum of 100 Million Dollars. I was shocked and couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Immediately I was given the cash prize, I stopped working. I want to say a very big thank you to LORD RICHARD for helping people like us who really need help. Now I know that there's absolutely nothing too hard for LORD RICHARD to do. To get in touch with him, : Email: lordrichardspell@gmail.com whatsaap number +1(360)884-0286

momos smith says:

June 13th 2024 03:53am

My Name is Momos Smith, From Ohio United states Am really happy that i and my Husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of LORD RICHARD , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this lord richard who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and Viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. I am not a stupid Woman that i will come out to the Public and start saying what someone have not done for me .contact him now if you are also in need of help via email lordrichardspell@gmail.com whatsaap number +1(360)884-0286 May God bless you sir for all your good works. contact LORD RICHARD today for your following diseases below HEPATITIS, CÁNCER, HIV HERPES ASTHMA DIABETES EPILEPSY INFERTILITY STAPHYLOCOCCUS. BARENESS Kidney?

momos smith says:

June 13th 2024 03:52am

My Name is Momos Smith, From Ohio United states Am really happy that i and my Husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of LORD RICHARD , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this lord richard who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and Viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. I am not a stupid Woman that i will come out to the Public and start saying what someone have not done for me .contact him now if you are also in need of help via email lordrichardspell@gmail.com whatsaap number +1(360)884-0286 May God bless you sir for all your good works. contact LORD RICHARD today for your following diseases below HEPATITIS, CÁNCER, HIV HERPES ASTHMA DIABETES EPILEPSY INFERTILITY STAPHYLOCOCCUS. BARENESS Kidney?

rave harry says:

June 4th 2024 08:47am

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his Email: lordrichardspell@gmail.com WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry says:

June 4th 2024 08:47am

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his Email: lordrichardspell@ gmail.com WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Jenna leonard says:

May 29th 2024 08:40am

I will only recommend the best here. I can assure you REVOX CREDIT is the best and really good in increasing of credit score, deleting of negatives items, collections, paying off loans and maxed out credit card debt on your report. He help me get mine done within 6 days and my score is 800s across all bureaus and I can proudly say he added 220 points. Thank me later. CONTACT INFO REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

Georgieva Kristalina says:

May 21st 2024 11:25am

I was a subject of a cryptocurrency heist. Some amount of bitcoin was stolen from my wallet and diverted to an unpermitted account. My wallet management was informed, however, they had me wait a week before responding through email. They didn’t offer any assistance; alternatively, they mentioned that my phone might have been compromised and told me to get in touch with the authorities who couldn't provide any solution to recover my bitcoin. When I was browsing through the internet trying to find a solution to get my stolen bitcoin back, I discovered a team of bitcoin recovery experts called WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKERS . I then decided to contact them for assistance in getting my stolen money back. I have nothing but praise for Wizard Brixton Group Hackers . because they were able to assist me in recovering the money that had been stolen. With the use of their sophisticated tools, Wizard Brixton Group was able to determine how the transaction was carried out. I have my money back and I am very thankful to Wizard Brixton Group  for their amazing service. If you have any issues related to mine. Kindly contact them via email.Wizardbrixton@gmail.com https://t.me/wizardbrixtonhackersrecovery

quatisha brown says:

May 21st 2024 09:39am

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me and my family I was going through online when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online how he won a lottery through the help of dr Ose I decided to just give it a try and my life is back to me now after i lost my job due to covid  he gave me a winning numbers to play lottery and i won 5000usd for my first play since then i have been working with him and he has been giving me numbers to play my lottery i can not write everything he has done for me if you need a lottery spell today contact him on oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com       www.facebook.com/Dr-odion-spell-temple-110513923938220 whatsapp +2348136482342

Nicolas Fernandez says:

April 30th 2024 11:03pm

I'm willing to talk about my experience investing in bitcoin. You can, however, get your stolen bitcoins back. I was taught that recovering bitcoin was impossible, therefore I never thought it was conceivable. I recently lost close to $195,000 after falling for a forex scam that promised absurdly large returns. I looked everywhere for assistance before finding a Recovery Nerds article online. When I contact Recovery Nerds, my excitement was once more total. Get in touch with Recovery Nerds as soon as possible. They are a registered hacking group that can help with a quick and efficient bitcoin recovery. Contact Recovery Nerds at: Email: mailus@recoverynerds.com Website: https://recoverynerds.com/ Whatsapp: +1 514 312 2803 Telegram: @Rnerds060

juliana says:

April 23rd 2024 02:54pm

OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS: IS THE BEST COMPANY FOR CRYPTO CURRENCY RECOVERY AND HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO FUNDS The investment scheme initially drew me in with the promise of large profits and the guarantee of a safe investment. But as time passed, I came to see that the investment was a complete fraud. I was left feeling dissatisfied and powerless after losing access to my money. It was a terrible experience, and I thought I was out of choices. I looked up a few cryptocurrency recovery businesses online and read customer endorsements and reviews after doing some investigation. To assist me in getting my investment back, I had to discover a reliable provider. I gave it some thought before deciding to get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS who received great feedback and endorsements. Their professionalism and promptness really pleased me, and they offered me hope by thoroughly explaining the recuperation process. After he recovered well, I agreed to review the fantastic work he did. Optimistic Hacker Gaius is a great resource for any fraud victim looking for assistance in recovering their lost cryptocurrency. Contact details: email... Optimistichackergaius @ seznam. cz Call or use WhatsApp at +1..6..0...1..4..6..0..9...4..7..7. the website page is; https://optimistichackegaius.com

juliana says:

April 23rd 2024 02:53pm

OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS: IS THE BEST COMPANY FOR CRYPTO CURRENCY RECOVERY AND HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO FUNDS The investment scheme initially drew me in with the promise of large profits and the guarantee of a safe investment. But as time passed, I came to see that the investment was a complete fraud. I was left feeling dissatisfied and powerless after losing access to my money. It was a terrible experience, and I thought I was out of choices. I looked up a few cryptocurrency recovery businesses online and read customer endorsements and reviews after doing some investigation. To assist me in getting my investment back, I had to discover a reliable provider. I gave it some thought before deciding to get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS who received great feedback and endorsements. Their professionalism and promptness really pleased me, and they offered me hope by thoroughly explaining the recuperation process. After he recovered well, I agreed to review the fantastic work he did. Optimistic Hacker Gaius is a great resource for any fraud victim looking for assistance in recovering their lost cryptocurrency. Contact details: email... Optimistichackergaius @ seznam. cz Call or use WhatsApp at +1..6..0...1..4..6..0..9...4..7..7. the website page is; https://optimistichackegaius.com

Kelsey Zachow says:

April 20th 2024 05:01am

Great news about Dr ughulu who made me win my Mega millions. All my friends have been telling me about this great man who made them always win their lottery by casting a winning number for them. My friends keep telling me to contact him so I can also win my mega million. Actually I really also text him to help me. Text/Call: +1(252) 409-1841 and I explained to him it's my friends who Introduced me to him. And I told him the reason I came to his temple and Dr really made me the happiest woman and cast me a mega million winning number, so I really played it and won the prize of $66,000.000 millions dollars. Thank you for making my life possible Dr ughulu. His email: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com Or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

Kelsey Zachow says:

April 20th 2024 05:00am

Great news about Dr ughulu who made me win my Mega millions. All my friends have been telling me about this great man who made them always win their lottery by casting a winning number for them. My friends keep telling me to contact him so I can also win my mega million. Actually I really also text him to help me. Text/Call: +1(252) 409-1841 and I explained to him it's my friends who Introduced me to him. And I told him the reason I came to his temple and Dr really made me the happiest woman and cast me a mega million winning number, so I really played it and won the prize of $66,000.000 millions dollars. Thank you for making my life possible Dr ughulu. His email: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com Or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

james belich says:

April 19th 2024 09:47pm

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

Philip Morgan says:

April 18th 2024 01:20pm

I want to publicly thank Recovery Nerd, a professional private investigator and a certified expert in Bitcoin Recovery Services, for their assistance in helping me recover the money I lost to fraud. An online manipulation artist who represented themselves as knowledgeable and experienced in the field of Crypto investments conned my wife and myself. My $356,000 worth of funds were put into cryptocurrency. I was left helpless after the fraud tricked us and had to spend hours looking for a Crypto recovery service to get my money back. The specialist I found was Recovery Nerd. I just had to be patient after describing my situation to the expert, and all of my money was returned to my wallet in less than 72 hours. Thank you Recovery Nerd for your excellent assistance in getting my money back. Recovery Nerd can be reached through various channels like: Email: mailus@recoverynerds.com Website: https://recoverynerds.com/ Whatsapp: +1 514 312 2803 Telegram: @Rnerds060

james belich says:

April 14th 2024 12:42pm

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

james belich says:

April 11th 2024 01:09am

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

james belich says:

April 11th 2024 01:08am

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

Juliette Marie says:

March 30th 2024 11:58pm

TRENDING LOTTERY LUCKY WINNING NUMBERS TO HELP YOU WIN THE LOTTERY... Priest Ray is the best lottery spell caster and his lottery numbers strike without any problem. I used his lucky winning numbers and I won the sum of $48m. I came across Priest Ray contact through a comment on YouTube when someone testified about his lottery lucky winning numbers because I was searching for tips to improve my chances of winning the lottery. I contacted Priest Ray and told him I needed the lucky numbers and he did the rituals within 24 hours he sent me the winning numbers which I played and won $48m. You can also reach him to get your lucky winning numbers by email: psychicspellshrine@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +12133525735 or visit his website: https://psychicspellshrine.wixsite.com/my-site

Emily Faye says:

March 27th 2024 06:52pm

I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348120513902

Albert Harry says:

March 24th 2024 08:09pm

I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 104,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 187,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn't realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all costs, because I couldn't afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online searching for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum where a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptography funds with the help of EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY. So I filed a report on recoveryevilhackers@ gmail.com and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 1 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach out to recoveryevilhackers@ gmail.com

Victoria Jones says:

March 22nd 2024 08:11pm

Hello everyone am Victoria Jones, am here to share a great testimony on how Dr Wealth transformed my life financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, i have been playing lottery game for so long and i have never win any reasonable amount of money, i was doing some research online about lottery game and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money on lottery game through the help of Dr Wealth who predicted a winning game for her to play, and surprisingly she won a huge amount of money 19.5million dollars, so i also contacted Dr Wealth and asked him for help he told me what i needed to do which i did and on the second day after he had cast the spell for me he gave me some sure numbers to play so i went to play the numbers so on Tuesday the result came out and i went to check there i got the shock of my life, i saw my names amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of in my life, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say that was how my life changed financially i just want the world to know that there is a great spell caster called Dr Wealth if you have been playing lottery game and you have never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise you your story will change, you can email him at drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also WhatsApp him on +12184533734

Victoria Jones says:

March 22nd 2024 08:11pm

Hello everyone am Victoria Jones, am here to share a great testimony on how Dr Wealth transformed my life financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, i have been playing lottery game for so long and i have never win any reasonable amount of money, i was doing some research online about lottery game and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money on lottery game through the help of Dr Wealth who predicted a winning game for her to play, and surprisingly she won a huge amount of money 19.5million dollars, so i also contacted Dr Wealth and asked him for help he told me what i needed to do which i did and on the second day after he had cast the spell for me he gave me some sure numbers to play so i went to play the numbers so on Tuesday the result came out and i went to check there i got the shock of my life, i saw my names amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of in my life, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say that was how my life changed financially i just want the world to know that there is a great spell caster called Dr Wealth if you have been playing lottery game and you have never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise you your story will change, you can email him at drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also WhatsApp him on +12184533734

Alejandro Henry says:

March 21st 2024 08:08pm

My name is Alejandro Henry, I am a teacher. Have you ever been a victim of a scam? Lost your wallet or money to fake hackers online? I implore you to contact this trustworthy hacker and recovery expert EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY COMPANY. I was a victim of fake people posing as binary options and bitcoin investors, I lost a sum of $35,800 and BTC from my bitcoin wallet to these fakes. It took a while before I realized they were scams and this really hurt. Then an in-law of mine heard about it and recommended me to a specialist with the address. He helped me recover my lost bitcoins in less than 72hrs and the fakes were caught and made to pay for what they did to me. If you have lost any amount to online scams and you're seeking to recover them, in fake hackers, online dating scams, BTC wallet hacks, or fake binary investors. Reach out to: recoveryevilhackers@ gmail.com to help you, and you will be so glad you did so, best belief.

Henry Mark says:

March 20th 2024 06:33pm

All credits to EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY at ( recoveryevilhackers@ gmail.com ). It is crazy and overwhelming sometimes to learn about the perspective that people have concerning those who have been scammed. It is fine to keep your money safe with you, but it is also okay for someone else to try and multiply it by investing in the best way they know how. It all falls back to trust and if a person feels confident enough to invest in a platform but it backfires, well, at least they were trying to bridge to a higher stature and no one should hold it against them. It is merely a matter of a bad call just like any other. I have fallen victim to such a circumstance. I passed through numerous phases of ridicule, wroth, dismemberment, and hurt. For these reasons, I swore to always help those who got into such situations with the necessary information. Get out there and seek help. Get someone with high-end skills in the recovery of your Cryptos. A transparent, easy-to-work-with hacker. EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY for example worked well for me. They never asked for an upfront payment, I repaid their services after a successful refund of $195,080. So, seek help from whichever hacker that works best for you.

Victoria Jones says:

February 24th 2024 03:34am

Hello everyone am Victoria Jones, am here to share a great testimony on how Dr Wealth transformed my life financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, i have been playing lottery game for so long and i have never win any reasonable amount of money, i was doing some research online about lottery game and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money on lottery game through the help of Dr Wealth who predicted a winning game for her to play, and surprisingly she won a huge amount of money 19.5million dollars, so i also contacted Dr Wealth and asked him for help he told me what i needed to do which i did and on the second day after he had cast the spell for me he gave me some sure numbers to play so i went to play the numbers so on Tuesday the result came out and i went to check there i got the shock of my life, i saw my names amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of in my life, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say that was how my life changed financially i just want the world to know that there is a great spell caster called Dr Wealth if you have been playing lottery game and you have never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise you your story will change, you can email him at drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also WhatsApp him on +12184533734

jamesbelich says:

February 23rd 2024 11:37pm

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

jamesbelich says:

February 23rd 2024 11:36pm

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

megan moroney says:

January 27th 2024 05:36pm

Osecybersailing is a first class hacking team that can aid in the recovery of your misplaced cryptocurrency, lost Facebook account and hacking your partner Whatsapp to know if they are cheating on you. For a long time, I was very confused and i always felt awful about my partner’s cheating attitude. I really wanted to track and catch him red-handed. I spoke with a trusted colleague of mine at work and she gave me a genuine recommendation about an ethical private investigator named Osecybersailing. Osecybersailing and their extraordinary team emerged as the catalysts of change. Their exceptional knowledge and relentless determination Helped me to see all the lies that my partner have been saying. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you. If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing's team guide you towards the light of redemption. Facebook page: Osecybersailing Email: osecybersailing@cyberservices.com Telegram: osecybersailing

megan moroney says:

January 27th 2024 05:36pm

Osecybersailing is a first class hacking team that can aid in the recovery of your misplaced cryptocurrency, lost Facebook account and hacking your partner Whatsapp to know if they are cheating on you. For a long time, I was very confused and i always felt awful about my partner’s cheating attitude. I really wanted to track and catch him red-handed. I spoke with a trusted colleague of mine at work and she gave me a genuine recommendation about an ethical private investigator named Osecybersailing. Osecybersailing and their extraordinary team emerged as the catalysts of change. Their exceptional knowledge and relentless determination Helped me to see all the lies that my partner have been saying. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you. If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing's team guide you towards the light of redemption. Facebook page: Osecybersailing Email: osecybersailing@cyberservices.com Telegram: osecybersailing

Victoria Jones says:

January 26th 2024 01:49am

Hello everyone am Victoria Jones, am here to share a great testimony on how Dr Wealth transformed my life financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, i have been playing lottery game for so long and i have never win any reasonable amount of money, i was doing some research online about lottery game and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money on lottery game through the help of Dr Wealth who prayed for her and gave her a winning numbers to play, and surprisingly she won a huge amount of money 19.5million dollars, so i also contacted Dr Wealth and asked him for help he told me what i needed to do which i did and on the second day after he had cast the spell for me he gave me some sure numbers to play so i went to play the numbers so on Tuesday the result came out and i went to check there i got the shock of my life, i saw my names amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of in my life, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say that was how my life changed financially i just want the world to know that there is a great spell caster called Dr Wealth if you have been playing lottery game and you have never won i will advice you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise you your story will change, you can email him at drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also call/text him on +12184533734

Jude Ike says:

January 15th 2024 04:28pm

I sincerely appreciate GEO COORDINATES HACKER for your efforts in helping me recover my lost funds. Although losing bitcoin can be demoralizing, there is still hope for recovering what is legitimately yours with GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I learned some valuable lessons. It’s important to approach recovery services cautiously and do thorough research before trusting anyone with your assets. Trustworthy recovery services will provide clear information, have a solid reputation, and offer transparent communication. When selecting a recovery service, it's essential to consider their track record, expertise, and testimonials. GEO COORDINATES HACKER has got all it takes to assist you in recovering your lost Funds/Bitcoin only if you let them come to your aid. You can easily contact him through Email; geocoordinateshacker@proton.me. geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com

emily faye says:

December 2nd 2023 03:22am

I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348120513902

Bills Sarah says:

November 21st 2023 10:20am

I applied for a business loan and surgery loan for my daughter’s health early February, condition I was told I would be considered and contacted but never got to hear from any of the lenders. A credit repair agent said I would have to be on a 700+ score to be considered but never told how to get my score up to that in no long time. I had a 539 Score. I bumped into a credit review forum where PENTIUM TECHS was mentioned by many people who claimed he fixed their credit. I contacted the hacker out of curiosity and desperation on his email pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com we got talking and he gave me a week to delete collections and 2 charge offs. He also got my credit up to 765. I got the surgery loan and was contacted as regards the business loans I applied for. All thanks to PENTIUM TECHS

Shovel says:

November 20th 2023 06:22pm

Some couple months ago I was reading an article about this great Hacker, He is the best for credit score increase and credit report fix of any type. I will advise you all to get in touch with him for help, He helped me increase my credit card limit and also boost up my credit score to an excellent plus. His services are fast, secured and reliable without stress: PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM

Bobs Ernest says:

November 18th 2023 05:20pm

My family and I ended up homeless 2 years ago after I lost my job. I am a disabled combat veteran trying to buy a home. My family and I wanted to purchase a home but my poor credit score ruined every effort made to actualize that goal and it was a nightmare. I decided to look for help online and luckily for me, I ran into PENTIUM TECHS (PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM), they were highly recommended for a quick and permanent credit repair so I hired them immediately. After 6 days, they raised my score to a whooping 791 and deleted all the negative items affecting my report. Thereafter, we got the house and we had a happily ever after kind of family story.

lufuno says:

November 1st 2023 03:07pm

whatsapp + Ssd chemical solution for sale in Mozambique, Ghana, Madagascar, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire Call or text us Ssd chemical solution for sale in Mozambique, Ghana, Madagascar, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire at + . The best chemical solutions and activation powders are available here, and they are used to clean all different kinds of black notes. Our team of experts specializes in working on projects of this nature. With the aid of cutting-edge technological equipment, we clean your notes and give them a brand-new, contemporary appearance. Your currency will never again be black or soiled. Purchase money-cleaning products in bulk and at retail prices, including: • SSD Chemical Solution; SSD Super Solution; SSD Universal Solution; SSD Super Automatic Solution; SSD PK58 Solution; SSD Ultimate 2018 Solution; Activation Powder; and Mercury Powder. Call or text us at + https://ssdchemicals4sale.blogspot.com/

Lattimore says:

September 29th 2023 03:38pm

Hello, I’m Leah, TBH having digital currency can be a confusing endeavour for some of us, but with the help of Pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com wallet hacks, they guide me through the process every step of the way. I took advantage of the exciting technology opportunity and got back all my crypto asset from scammers. Send them a message today to know more.

Brenda Logan says:

September 25th 2023 02:38pm

Hi everyone i want to share my amazing testimony on how a great spell caster called Dr Wealth transformed me financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, am from US i have been playing lottery game for so long now and i have never win any reasonable amount, i was glancing through things online and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money with the help of Dr Wealth who prayed for her and gave her a winning numbers to play, and surprisingly her name came out among the winners she won 36 million dollars, so i also decided to try my luck i contacted Dr Wealth and i also asked him for help and he told me what i needed to do which was a very easy task which i did and on the second day after he had made prayers for me he gave me some numbers and told me that i should go and play them so i went to play the numbers in the morning and i later went to check the result there i got the shock of my life, i saw my name amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say, i just want the world to know that there is a great man called Dr Wealth, if you have been playing lottery game and you never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise he will never fail you, here are his contacts, you can email him on drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also WhatsApp him on +19734491500 or call him on +19592157598.

Brenda Logan says:

September 25th 2023 02:38pm

Hi everyone i want to share my amazing testimony on how a great spell caster called Dr Wealth transformed me financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, am from US i have been playing lottery game for so long now and i have never win any reasonable amount, i was glancing through things online and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money with the help of Dr Wealth who prayed for her and gave her a winning numbers to play, and surprisingly her name came out among the winners she won 36 million dollars, so i also decided to try my luck i contacted Dr Wealth and i also asked him for help and he told me what i needed to do which was a very easy task which i did and on the second day after he had made prayers for me he gave me some numbers and told me that i should go and play them so i went to play the numbers in the morning and i later went to check the result there i got the shock of my life, i saw my name amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say, i just want the world to know that there is a great man called Dr Wealth, if you have been playing lottery game and you never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise he will never fail you, here are his contacts, you can email him on drwealthmag@gmail.com you can also WhatsApp him on +19734491500 or call him on +19592157598.

Morgan Taylor says:

June 5th 2023 11:05pm

i'm so thankful to ethicsrefinance@gmail.com, they did hack for me and successfully transfer the some of $40,000 to my bank account they are the best , i'm happy working with them via (ethicsrefinance@gmail.com)

David Yax says:

May 17th 2023 07:07pm

i won the lottery and then people kept on asking me how did i do it, well yea there is a little secrete you all never knew about, i was able to win the 80.000.000 lottery with the help of Dr Dominion lottery winning spell, he gave me number to play and instructed me when to play the lottery and i did as he instructed, my dear friends getting rich is never by luck it's something we all have to work for, people have been playing same lottery for years now and have never won, we need to be on the right track to get what we want i am saying this here because i want the best for everyone, you can't win the lottery just like that you need to know exactly what to do, what to play and when to play this is a truth that no one will never tell you, if you want to win or know what i am talking about just reach out to Dr Dominion here: Email: dominionlottospelltemple@gmail.com website: https://dominionlottospell.wixsite.com/dr-domin WhatsApp or call :+12059642462

David Yax says:

May 17th 2023 07:07pm

i won the lottery and then people kept on asking me how did i do it, well yea there is a little secrete you all never knew about, i was able to win the 80.000.000 lottery with the help of Dr Dominion lottery winning spell, he gave me number to play and instructed me when to play the lottery and i did as he instructed, my dear friends getting rich is never by luck it's something we all have to work for, people have been playing same lottery for years now and have never won, we need to be on the right track to get what we want i am saying this here because i want the best for everyone, you can't win the lottery just like that you need to know exactly what to do, what to play and when to play this is a truth that no one will never tell you, if you want to win or know what i am talking about just reach out to Dr Dominion here: Email: dominionlottospelltemple@gmail.com website: https://dominionlottospell.wixsite.com/dr-domin WhatsApp or call :+12059642462

Yong Kyonge Jinn says:

May 7th 2023 05:21pm

"I am writing this review to express my sincere gratitude to this NFT and USDT recovery hacker for all that he did for me during one of the most stressful and painful times in my life. His professionalism and guidance, at a time when I questioned myself how dumb I was to give out $1.2 Million Usdt to an NFT trading scammer, helped me to accept that so long there is a problem, there will always be a solution. He provided me with irrefutable proof that strengthened my doubts about the possibility of recovering or tracking lost BTC or USDT. I have no doubt about the decisions I made afterward. It took a while but success was achieved in recovering all the USDT Tokens I had sent. At a time when I felt like my whole world was tumbling down around me, his concern was truly appreciated. I highly recommend his services and while I hope never to need him again, I will be sure to call him if need be. Thanks so much, Cyber Genie Team” " ( Cybergenie (@) cyberservices (.) com ) " " ( WA +1252)(5120391)"


January 25th 2023 04:08pm

MUST READ FOR ALL CRYPTO SCAM VICTIMS MORRIS GRAY 830 (@) GMAIL , COM is the best tech expert you need to help you recover your stolen, lost or missing Bitcoin, USDT, NFT and other digital assets. Perhaps I didn’t perform my task nicely , I didn’t analysis sufficient to know that scams exist in crypto trading and investments I used to be solely thrilling however the mouth watering affords they put ahead to me , I invested virtually all my financial savings , time to withdraw and it’s at all times asking to pay more cash even on their web site , later came upon it was utterly faux they usually’ve duped lots of people . I used to be damaged and I used to be devastated on the look at which my cash disappeared , identical to a spell on me . OMG I used to be down and virtually loosing focus at work . Lisa is a buddy from work , known as me she noticed a assessment of somebody on restoration agent , I didn’t consider something trigger I learn on-line it can’t be recovered as soon as transferred . It’s the opposite means spherical although , this genius recovers Bitcoin ( MORRIS GRAY 830 at Gmail . COm ) attain out by way of gmail and my unhappy story turned a joyful story . Please recommendation on the place to speculate and by which coin the way forward for funding yields higher revenue , I nonetheless love cryptocurrency however I’m rattling scared I don’t need to be scammed once more . Be happy to share your information with me guys , I’ll be studying from y’all thanks . Send your complaint to [ MORRIS GRAY 830 (@) GMAIL . COM for any crypto tech issues, recovery of your lost funds and stolen crypto/ digital assets.!!

Pamela Cole says:

December 5th 2022 08:22pm

Yes this will help a lot of individuals, I saw so many people talking about this young man called Mr Mark Toray and I kept wondering if he is really an expert trader like they say and not a scammer like the others, then I contacted him and I was shocked and amazed that with just $2000 I invested, Mr Mark helped me managed my account and after 7 days of trading, I made my first withdrawal of $20,900. I’m so happy sharing this testimony with you all, you can contact him via Telegram: @Mark4toray_fx or Email: Marktoray8@gmail.com Please do not forget to mention I recommended you, there will be a referral bonus top up in my account.

James Benson says:

November 27th 2022 10:42am

Why struggle with bad credits when you can actually get them fixed within a couple of days with HACK VANISH, a professional hacker who has aided me in various ways, he fixed and increased my FICO credit score to a whopping 786 across all three bureaus, tracked my cheating wife calls, and also gave me access to all her social media accounts. HACK VANISH also specializes in recovering lost cryptocurrencies for victims of binary scams. Reach out to him today for help on WhatsApp: +1(747) 293-8514 or Email: HACKVANISH @ GMAIL. COM Thank me later.

James Benson says:

November 27th 2022 10:35am

Why struggle with bad credits when you can actually get them fixed within a couple of days with HACK VANISH, a professional hacker who has aided me in various ways, he fixed and increased my FICO credit score to a whopping 786 across all three bureaus, tracked my cheating wife calls, and also gave me access to all her social media accounts. HACK VANISH also specializes in recovering lost cryptocurrencies for victims of binary scams. Reach out to him today for help on WhatsApp: +1(747) 293-8514 or Email: HACKVANISH @ GMAIL. COM Thank me later.

Karoline Thompson says:

November 19th 2022 12:31pm

My Name is Karoline from USA, I want to say thank you to Mr Mark Toray for the good thing he has done for me, Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can’t hide my happiness and my joy so i have to share it with people. This is unbelievable, at first I never actually built any interest in this Binary/Forex trading of a thing but when I later gave it a try with the Help of this wonderful Expert Trader Mr Mark Toray, it was a successful trade for me. All i did was to invest $1000 into my first trading and to my greatest surprise, I received a huge amount of $12,520 as profit in 7 days of trading... Mr Mark Toray was the trader that made it possible and he is still doing it all for me.. You want to be happy and be free like me do well to reach out to her via Email: Marktoray8@gmail.com, Telegram: @Mark4toray_fx


November 12th 2022 01:53am

HOW I WAS ABLE TO RECOVER MY STOLEN CRYPTOS!!! I was a victim of an Organised Crypto trading fraud which nearly ruined my life because I tempered with the company's funds were I work, being the manager so I had access to plenty of funds. I lost almost everything and nearly went to jail but God intervened at the last minute by sending Mr MORRIS GRAY to my way, a private hacker who was able to help me trace were my BTC to the Binance account where i invested and was able to recover all of it within days. Don't ever feel ashamed if you have ever been a victim because this con-men are becoming more sophisticated everyday. Reach Mr MORRIS GRAY: WhatsAPP +1 607 698 0239..Or Email: Morris Gray 830 @ gmail dot com...........

Eric Stewart says:

November 5th 2022 03:35am



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