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Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Airlines faced plenty of hurdles before its scheduled launch last year, not least the continuing closure of the key target market of China. But it was determined not to be a paper airplane and adjusted plans. Now, after China re-opened in January, its future looks bright. Associate editor and chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne, speaks to GBA CEO, Stanley Hui.

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February 1st 2023

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If there is one point Stanley Hui, CEO of Greater Bay Airlines (GBA), is adamant in emphasizing it is the Hong Kong start-up is definitely not a traditional low-cost carrier (LCC). Read More » Its three leased B737-800s may be operating with all-Economy configurations at the moment, but when its new B737 MAX aircraft begin arriving in the GBA fleet in the second half of 2024, they will be equipped with Business Class cabins.

“This is something I need to clarify,” Hui told Orient Aviation earlier this month. “We are not really low-cost. What does low-cost mean? As a business entity, we need to be careful of our costs, but we are not operating exactly the same way as other low-cost carriers.

"I appeal to the different governments and airport authorities to pressure their operators to ensure a lack of manpower does not become a reason for an airline not to return to those cities, the destinations they want to service or to resume services. Air services are important to the economies of countries and cities because they bring in people to do business. They bring in tourism receipts. They bring in lots of different other outcomes. This is my appeal to airport management companies"
Stanley Hui
Greater Bay Airlines CEO

“In terms of fares, we go with the market. You can be competitive, but at the same time when demand is strong you will be adjusting. Low-cost? I don’t know how you define that. Low-cost can mean seating, down to 28 inches, totally packed, but we are not. We are a little bit better than 28 inches. We are much better than preset recline and we go into popular destinations with daily frequencies.

“In fact what we officially call ourselves is more of a value carrier.”

The concept, he explained, is similar to Virgin Australia. “That really is what Virgin Australia is trying to be. We don’t have Business Class yet for different reasons when you source leased aircraft,” he said.

“But for [our] new aircraft we are going to introduce they will come with a Business Class. So, in terms of positioning, I would say we are something much further than an LCC, but we will be a little bit lower than Cathay Pacific, for obvious reasons.

“Cathay has wide-body aircraft. We don’t. So, very much like Virgin Australia trying to compare with Qantas in Australia.

“When the new aircraft arrive they will have the most up-to-date inflight entertainment system and programming and inflight WiFi. You don’t find that with traditional LCCs.”

The past year has been frustrating for GBA. Early in 2022, Hong Kong’s Air Transport Licensing Authority (ATLA) awarded GBA a five-year permit to operate scheduled commercial flights, with immediate effect, to 104 destinations across the Asia-Pacific. Almost 50% of the destinations are to the Mainland, but the ongoing closure of China’s air travel market put the brakes on GBA’s primary aim, tapping into that vast market. The rights included 48 routes to Mainland China, 13 to Japan, six to Thailand, five to Vietnam, five to the Philippines and four each to Taiwan, Indonesia and South Korea.

Not that GBA would have been using all these rights. “In reality, it does not mean much. In my mind, it is having the rights to operate to whatever destinations you have in mind,” Hui said.

“Anyway, were we frustrated? Well, obviously we were. In fact, not even as an airline but as a person living in Hong Kong. Not being able to move into Mainland China was frustrating. But this was beyond our control. What it meant for us was that instead of starting into China we started to destinations outside Mainland China. It was not that bad. Obviously, we had the flexibility to deploy the very limited resources we then had. At least we found other ways to deploy the resources.”

GBA’s first scheduled flight was Hong Kong -Bangkok in July last year, followed by Taipei, Seoul Incheon and Tokyo Narita. “We launched Bangkok a bit earlier because we really had to start our commercial operation, even just to test how the different departments of the company were working together,” Hui said.

“At the start, there was not very much traffic to be honest. But we had to do it in July otherwise we would remain as a paper airline forever. You had to get going. It really helped us gel together.”

Load factors “were actually terrible in the very beginning” because of the pandemic. “For aviation it was a total disaster we have never seen. Of course, the reverse is that once the pandemic is behind us, there is the urge to travel again, whether for leisure, for much delayed business plans, or, for instance, much delayed VFR (visiting friends and relatives,” he said. “Demand is coming back and it is getting stronger. Slowly, it is becoming a lot stronger.”

At press time, load factors on the Thailand route were around 80%. “For Taiwan, with certain restrictions still in place on travellers from Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China, there is some way to go,” he said. “On the other hand, Tokyo has been a success from day one.

“You have to factor in seasonality. We were running full flights around the Chinese New Year Holidays, although now there is a bit of a slowdown. But when we look at some of the forecast demand for the coming peak holiday seasons, the Sakura bloom (Cherry Blossom) or the Easter holidays you see strong demand coming back. I would say overall it’s a start. We have a lot to do to improve but so far, I would say, so good.”

Traditionally, for start-up airlines, being in the black takes time because of the need to achieve size as well as heavy start-up costs. “We are confident about our future,” Hui said.

“This year, we are not far off [profit]. We are going into the most popular destinations where we are making sure we have at least a daily service. Then we will do more: double daily, three times daily. We are looking at the most popular destinations. This allows us to make, or at least a balance, profit much earlier than in many other scenarios.

“I am looking, hopefully, if we can get three more aircraft, to be able to do that this year. If not at least next year.”

In 2023, GBA plans to have three more leased aircraft in its fleet, allowing it to finally add China to its network with flights to Shanghai and Beijing. However, there is a rider. Leasing planes is not as easy as it was.

“So far, we have secured one (leased aircraft),” Hui said. “For the other two, it is a little difficult, particularly when the market seems to be gradually recovering. There is a little more competition for leased aircraft,” he said.

“There are still failures somewhere around the world, but those aircraft will not become available so quickly. It has been challenging to source all three that we need. It also is challenging in terms of timing. You have to go through a rather long process of registration and re-registration and whatever modifications you need to do to the aircraft.

“So it takes quite a bit of time to introduce these aircraft into our fleet and for them to become operational. Never mind, that’s the process that you have to go through. I am still hoping we can find a way out of that.

“At the end of the day, three, if not a minimum of two more units for this year will be with us. This will equip us to start services to Beijing and Shanghai and hopefully one or two other destinations in Mainland China.”

Nevertheless, Hui knows, taking a longer term view that GBA had to work on a more secure source of aircraft. “More secure meaning we can actually nail it down now as to when we are going to get the aircraft and under what conditions. When you look at your future you can’t rely on a second hand or third hand fleet forever,” he said.

“We have been working with different lessors and different OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer). In fact we have come to an agreement for 15 more new aircraft from the second half of next year for delivery in the coming four years, until 2027.” That agreement is with Boeing and lessors. The deal is essentially involves a sale and lease-back arrangement for the new aircraft.

“As a small airline we don’t come in with billions of dollars. For small airlines it is becoming a very regular and common practice to draw up an agreement with an OEM and then review the financing with lessors to enable you to complete the necessary financing for aircraft and delivery as you have agreed with the OEM,” Hui explained.

Other issues include insufficient staff. Staffing is never sufficient, Hui said. “You are really looking at expanding and developing. But for now, yes. It’s with three aircraft. We are preparing for the fourth, then hopefully the arrival of the fifth and sixth. Overall, the labour market is tight,” he said.

“It depends on the skills you need. Pilots are forever in demand by airlines around the world, so we are competing in that international pool. It is more difficult than two years back.”

For pilot simulator training GBA is using the Boeing training centre in Singapore. “Now, with our boundary opened with Mainland China we are exploring the possibility of using facilities across the border, either in Shenzhen or Zhuhai.

“You know China Southern or Donghai of course, have excellent Sim training facilities. For sure, this would be more convenient than Singapore. And then you have to go through the accreditation program with our civil regulatory authority, the approval process really,” he said.

Cargo, critical for revenue through the pandemic, remains an important part of the business, Hui said.

“The basic premise of any passenger operation must include cargo. Cargo is a very important part of the revenue supporting an airline. Whether or not you have an all-cargo aircraft operation,” he said.

“It continues to be a critical part of our revenue. It comes back to where we are. We are operating international services in the region and into different points in Mainland China eventually.

“There is lots of trade between countries in this part of the world. Cargo demand is still great, even for passenger airlines I would say.”

Interlining with other carriers is planned to be important to GBA’s growth, particularly carrying traffic through Hong Kong on route to and from China. “This is the usual work of any airline. You want to carry your own passengers, but at the same time have schedules that allow you to carry any connecting traffic from any airline that sees you as a good partner.” he said.

“Those are open to anyone who sees Greater Bay Airlines as a useful partner in the market environment. At the same time, we will be looking at other interline partners to work out something mutually beneficial. There is no question about that. All airlines do exactly the same thing.”

Hui is not ruling out the potential for GBA operating wide-bodies, either regionally or even long-haul. “In the long-term you never say no. If you ask me, after a couple of years it is very logical to be looking at some sort of long-haul or wide-body operation.

“For example, wide-body could mean upgrading some of the single aisle services within the region to bigger aircraft to match demand and to make better economic sense. So, never say never. In fact, there is a good chance that this should happen and will happen after a couple of years.”

For long haul, while there is clearly an opportunity to tap into traffic from the U.S. West Coast, Hui said he certainly will be looking at Australia first.

As for Hong Kong’s status as a major Asian aviation hub, frequently questioned during the pandemic because of its lengthy period of entry restrictions, Hui is confident it will retain its position.

“It was terrible. In the past three years there is no question nothing really effectively came through Hong Kong. It all comes back to COVID but now COVID is gone. Hong Kong is back on the international scene,” he said.

“People come and go for certain reasons. We do see Hong Kong, under one country, two systems, as a very international city.

“We still have a lot of attractions. Lots of reasons why people should come back. For example, we remain a financial centre where our stock market has been extremely busy. Now we have lots of companies in Mainland China, as I understand it, queuing up for IPOs in Hong Kong.

“That’s good news for us as a financial centre. We will continue to be a very important stepping stone, or as a stopover, for traders from around the world. If you are going to the Greater Bay area to the factories Hong Kong will continue to be a very convenient entry point for these traders.”

He also pointed out to Orient Aviation the movement of Chinese immigrants living in Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and elsewhere who visit relatives in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It always has been a big part of the business.

“Hong Kong practically has not changed,” he said “Taking the long-term view, we have no doubt the status of Hong Kong, whether its Hong Kong International airport or Hong Kong Inc. as a whole, will be as good as it has ever been. In fact, it should be better.

“It’s back to what (China’s) President Xi said when he visited Hong Kong on July 1. He very clearly said Hong Kong is a very international city that no other city in Mainland China will match.

As for the challenges GBA faces, Hui said the main one is attracting the right people to support the development of GBA.

“Not only that, but the ecosystem in general. I wanted to do double daily into Tokyo or even Osaka. We were prevented from doing so because the other airport does not have sufficient manpower to handle additional flights. “It is not just a problem of our own, for a start-up. It’s more of an ecosystem issue.”

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June 17th 2024 11:28pm

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June 17th 2024 07:18pm

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Ivy Jones says:

June 17th 2024 04:53am

Terrible financial records can end up ruining your life. I was in an awful situation due to terrible credit report and everything I applied for was turned down. I did my research on the Internet and stumbled upon [ Primecreditrepair0 (at) Gmail (dot) Com ] who did justice to my credit report and also assisted me in getting a business loan within a brief time. My FICO SCORE is now 780 and all the collections, liens, BK and charge offs have been permanently erased. I strongly recommend PRIME CREDIT REPAIR.

Michelle James says:

June 16th 2024 12:15am

Primecreditrepair0 at Gmail dot Com came highly recommended and I was impressed by the way he improved on credit and erased the debt incurred.He didn't stop at that , PRIME also increased my credit cards limits and removed the CHEX system, foreclosure, 5 late payments from my report. I now have a perfect credit report and I vehemently recommend you to contact PRIME CREDIT REPAIR for your credit fix.


June 15th 2024 05:30pm

Finances were awful a couple of years ago, my FICO score was below 575 and it deteriorated as the years passed. It has been a long road, but I finally got there! All thanks to PRIME CREDIT REPAIR. He is 100% reliable and Effective in his Services CONTACT INFO ; primecreditrepair0@gmail.com / (985) 464-9304.

Elijah Miller says:

June 14th 2024 01:15pm

SCAMMED CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY EXPERT COMPANY ⁚ DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY In cryptocurrency trading, finding trustworthy guidance can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. My journey took a treacherous turn when I crossed paths with "Miss Anne," who, with her impressive online presence, seemed like a beacon of financial wisdom. Little did I know, her promises were but a facade, leading me into a labyrinth of deceit and despair. In mid-March, armed with USD 57,000, I embarked on my cryptocurrency trading venture under Miss Anne's tutelage. Her LinkedIn profile boasted an impressive 450,000+ connections, while her Instagram account flaunted a following of over 50,000, instilling unwavering trust in her purported expertise. With her persuasive rhetoric, she convinced me to set up a Metamask wallet and deposit my funds, emphasizing the stability of USDT in safeguarding my investment portfolio against depreciation. Naively believing every word she uttered, I eagerly plunged into the world of cryptocurrency trading. Initially investing $29,000, Miss Anne assured me that this was merely the tip of the iceberg, advocating for larger trades with promises of astronomical profits. Despite my reservations and insistence on waiting for the completion of the initial trade, she urged me to dive headfirst into more substantial transactions, assuring me of even greater returns. With bated breath, I awaited the culmination of our agreed-upon 3-week trading period, anticipating the fruits of my labor to materialize in my wallet linked to the trading website. However, as the days turned into weeks, my hopes dwindled as no funds appeared. Desperate for answers, I confronted Miss Anne, only to be met with evasions and excuses. It was then that the harsh reality of my predicament dawned upon me. Miss Anne revealed that my account had not only failed to yield profits but had accrued over $100,000 in taxes and charges, plunging it into negative territory. Refusing to accept defeat, I refused to pay the exorbitant fees and sought solace in the arms of Digital Hack Recovery. Armed with transaction details I reached out to Digital Hack Recovery, entrusting them with the daunting task of reclaiming my lost investments. With unwavering determination, they embarked on a meticulous 3-day recovery process, navigating through the intricate web of blockchain transactions with precision and expertise. Their dedication bore fruit as my funds were miraculously restored to my wallet, fulfilling their promise of financial redemption. If not for Digital Hack Recovery's timely intervention, I shudder to think of the dire financial consequences I would have faced. In a realm fraught with scams and deceit, Digital Hack Recovery stands as a bastion of integrity and reliability. Their track record of success and unwavering commitment to their clients make them an indispensable ally in the fight against financial injustice. If you find yourself in the clutches of online fraud or deceit, do not despair. Trust in Digital Hack Recovery to lead you out of financial restoration. Your solution is here, and it goes by the name of Digital Hack Recovery. Their Email; digitalhackrecovery@techie.com Website; https://digitalhackrecovery.com


June 11th 2024 07:38pm

It is crucial that I make this Confession public. My spouse and I intended to apply for a mortgage loan which caused us great frustration because I was unable to obtain approval because of low credit rating issues like hard inquiries, bankruptcy, collection accounts, and late payments. However, I am grateful to PRIME CREDIT REPAIR, whose services became a reality for me after I signed up for them. I am incredibly grateful to PRIME for raising my FICO score to 825, which allowed me to purchase a house and vehicle for my family. Primecreditrepair0 (at) Gmail (dot) Com is his email address.


June 11th 2024 07:37am

Prime Credit Repair has been absolutely amazing with the clients having terrible finances, great customer service and effective and efficient in Credit Report Situations. I would highly recommend them Primecreditrepair0 at Gmail dot Com / (985) 464-9304. To anyone/everyone in dire need of a Credit Fix.


June 11th 2024 01:06am

With 3 late payments, a couple collections and a lawsuit, I was on the brink of Insolvency not until I bargained for the urgent assistance of an expert professional hacker. So many encouraging comments popped up in respect of PRIME CREDIT REPAIR, so therefore, I decided to give it a shot. I provided the necessary details he asked for as well as an affordable payment and to my awareness, he eradicated all negatives, paid debts( credit cards and loans ) and increased my FICO SCORE to 795. Text him via PRIMECREDITREPAIR0 (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM / (985) 464-9304 to fix your credit problems.

Ford Hazard says:

June 11th 2024 12:48am

The sting of betrayal is a cruel mistress. It can leave you reeling, questioning your judgment, and feeling utterly vulnerable.  This is precisely how I felt when I fell victim to a binary trading scam.  The promise of lucrative returns, and a comfortable retirement,  all those dreams I had meticulously built for decades crumbled under the weight of deceit. I had entrusted my hard-earned savings to a company that promised the moon, only to find myself in a desolate wasteland of broken promises and financial ruin. The company, a viper disguised in a suit of legitimacy,  vanished into thin air, leaving me with nothing but shattered dreams and a hefty debt.  The betrayal cut deep,  a wound that festered with anger and despair. I sought solace in the digital world,  hoping to find a path to recovery. I immersed myself in forums and online communities, searching for a solution, a glimmer of hope in the abyss of my despair. My research led me to countless tales of woe,  stories that echoed my pain.  But amidst the despair,  a beacon of hope emerged – Folkwin Expert Recovery. They were a lifeline, a beacon of light in the darkness. They understood my pain, my anguish, and my desperation. Their approach was compassionate and understanding, a stark contrast to the cold indifference I had encountered from the scammers. Folkwin Expert Recovery didn't sugarcoat the process.  They laid out the challenges, the complexities of recovering funds from fraudulent online ventures.  But their expertise, their unwavering determination,  and their transparency instilled in me a sense of trust that I had lost long ago. I placed my faith in their hands, clinging to the hope they offered. The wait was agonizing, each passing day stretching into an eternity.  But then,  the email arrived – a beacon of light in my digital inbox. Folkwin Expert Recovery had succeeded in recovering a significant portion of my stolen funds. It wasn't a complete victory, but it was a resounding triumph against the forces of deceit. My experience has left me with a profound respect for Folkwin Expert Recovery. They are not merely a recovery agency; they are a force for good in a digital world fraught with deception. They embody the spirit of justice,  fighting against the forces of greed and corruption. I urge anyone who has been ensnared by online scams, anyone who has suffered the pain of betrayal,  to reach out to Folkwin Expert Recovery. They are a lifeline, a beacon of hope,  and they offer a fighting chance at reclaiming what has been stolen. In a world where trust is often elusive,  Folkwin Expert Recovery stands as a testament to the power of integrity and compassion.  They are the digital sheriffs,  battling against the shadows that lurk in the corners of the online world. My experience with them has restored my faith in humanity,  reminding me that there are still individuals who fight for justice, and who seek to right the wrongs of the digital age. For help, contact them via Email//: ( Folkwinexpertrecovery AT tech-center DOT com ) , ( Website//: www.folkwinexpertrecovery.com ) , Whatsapp//: ( +1 (740)705-0711 ) ... Best wishes, Ford Hazard.

Leah Pipes says:

June 9th 2024 05:23am

My sincerest gratitude to PRIME CREDIT REPAIR for helping me repair my Poor Financial Records. He assisted in building and improving my credit profile, raised my score of 418 way up to 820, I’m presently living in my dream home. I also drive my dream car living a life full of happiness. He erased the negative items affecting my credit . I urge you to contact him and get your credit fixed. Contact him ( Primecreditrepair0 at Gmail dot Com ). He is 100% reliable and efficient.

Meg Riley says:

June 9th 2024 03:07am

Prime Credit Repair truly indeed FIX POOR CREDIT FAST. There IS nothing better than getting a new vehicle with low APR! Excellent results in 7-9days! I’m pleased with the job PRIME did to my credit report. I now have a clean credit with an excellent score of 815. He went ahead to add positive tradelines to my report and cleared the debts I had. Contact him on primecreditrepair0@gmail.com

Lisa Turner says:

June 9th 2024 12:29am

Are you in desperate need of a credit fix? In order to qualify for a mortgage or an auto loan. I strongly recommend Prime Credit Repair, I had a fantastic experience working with them. They helped me delete negative items from my report, and my score rose to 790s across all three bureaus. You can reach them via Primecreditrepair0@gmail.com. Thank me later.

Jerry Cambridge says:

June 8th 2024 11:02am

When I discovered that I had fallen victim to a bitcoin investment scam, I felt a sinking sense of despair. my hard earned bitcoins I had invested were seemingly gone, with little hope of recovery. I quickly reached out to iBolt Cyber Hacker for assistance. I cannot express how grateful I am to iBolt Cyber Hacker for their invaluable assistance in recovering my scammed bitcoin investment. Thanks to iBolt Cyber Hacker's relentless efforts I was able to recover my stolen investment and restore my bitcoin. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone facing a similar predicament. Contact iBolt Cyber Hacker: Email: Support @ iboltcyberhack . com Cont/Whtp +.39..3.50..9.29.. Website: https : // iboltcyberhack . com /

Jassi Gill says:

May 28th 2024 12:45am

It is 100% possible to fix your credit report with the help of JAYJAY THE CREDIT GUY. CONTACT address; JAYJAYTHECREDITGUY@GMAIL.COM. He helped me hacked into the 3 credit bureaus after I met him on Tiktok, increasing all my FICO score to 750+, Helping me pay off my debts, deleted all negative items on my credit report. I will always recommend him to anyone who need help in fixing their credit profile.

soan says:

May 21st 2024 10:54pm

Immediately after losing 1.3BTC to a fraudulent investment platform, I began looking for a genuine crypto recovery agent who could assist me retrieve my assets from the crooks. During this procedure, I was defrauded of approximately $8,000 by imposters posing as professional representatives. I have simply given up and abandoned all chance of regaining my lost bitcoin. However, owing to a blog comment I read on Forbes that recommended a reliable recovery service named hackerrone90, I immediately contacted them and submitted all the transaction data; they informed me that the investigation and recovery had commenced. In roughly two weeks, all of my coins were returned to my wallet. The nicest thing about this recovery firm is that they do not charge an advance fee; they are paid from the monies they collect. I greatly value their efforts and would suggest them to anyone who requires a crypto recovery agent. You may email them at hackerrone90 at gmail . com

jamobonce says:

May 21st 2024 10:51pm

I was convinced to invest here by a friend I met on Tinder, Her name was Annie ( now I know she could be anyone else). At first everything was going on well until I requested for withdrawal, that’s when the nightmare started… I had to put in more money before I could withdraw. Then came the unending taxes; I was fined and taxed for various reasons. There was always a reason why I couldn’t take out my money. I was tired of everything and began looking for help. Since all the payments I made were through cryptocurrencies, my local police could not help me. Luckily I finally got help from the authorities I contacted via email kevinmitnickcyber @ GMAIL COM . Wonderfully, after providing my details, it took them barely a week to trace and retrieve my funds. Get help from them if you are in a similar

klina chris says:

May 21st 2024 10:50pm

I invested €650,750 with scam broker and I have never gotten my money back, i was so desperately in need of help to recover all the money back to me, fortunately I came across a colleague that introduced me to a binary options trade funds recovery expert kevinmitnickcyber @ GMAIL COM when i contacted him and his group i did not believe that they could get back my money because i have been scammed a lot already and didn’t know what to do, but my spirit told me to give it a try and i did, feel free to contact them via their email addres kevinmitnickcyber @ gmail com  and they will help you to recover all your lost investment that was denied from you by your scam broker.

vantayson says:

May 21st 2024 10:48pm

I’ve lost about $121,000 to a Greenfield Crypto Capital website and two fake ICOs as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam binary options, dating scams and fake ICOs. However, I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional and I am pleased to inform you that it’s possible to recover lost money from scammers. If you’re a victim of stolen bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency, and you are trying to find ways to get your coins back or your lost funds, feel free to contact Mr. Douglas on His gmail (hackerrone90 at gmail .com)and He will guide you on how you can recover your lost funds from scammers


May 12th 2024 03:57pm

I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds. I was one of the many victims of a crypto scam and I lost my entire family savings trying to double it. It was a very difficult time for me and my family, I was depressed and gave up hope of ever getting my money back. A few weeks ago, I came across a post while searching for clues on Google on how to recover my cryptocurrency, I saw a recommendation about SpyWall and how they were able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scam victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provide them with all the information, SpyWall was able to recover my funds within two days. I’m truly grateful for their service and I promised them I would recommend them to others like me. You can easily reach them via E-Mail: hackrontech@ gmail.com

Ben Richard says:

April 12th 2024 01:57am

RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF GEO COORDINATES HACKER Cryptocurrency investment halted and turned my life upside down after I invested almost everything that I had worked for all my life. I found myself in a desperate situation after losing 3.7 Million to Bitcoin investment for cryptocurrency. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back. I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within a few days. I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto. Their service is truly reliable. I’m grateful to them. You can get in touch with them through their Email; geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me Email; geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack

Ben Richard says:

April 12th 2024 01:56am

RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF GEO COORDINATES HACKER Cryptocurrency investment halted and turned my life upside down after I invested almost everything that I had worked for all my life. I found myself in a desperate situation after losing 3.7 Million to Bitcoin investment for cryptocurrency. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back. I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within a few days. I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto. Their service is truly reliable. I’m grateful to them. You can get in touch with them through their Email; geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me Email; geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack

Gaby Katherine says:

April 1st 2024 01:31am

Imagine this: one morning as you get ready for the day, you discover that your valuable Bitcoins, which are worth $100,000, have mysteriously disappeared. Yes, you, my friend, are the unfortunate victim of what amounts to a modern-day digital theft. But don't worry—this tale unexpectedly takes a turn for the better, leading to healing and atonement. The initial shock of realizing your crypto fortune has been stolen can send shivers down the spine of even the most stoic investor. Panic sets in, followed by a frantic scramble to report the theft to the authorities. But alas, the bureaucratic red tape and the limitations of traditional investigative methods can leave you feeling more lost in the digital wilderness than ever before. A ray of hope emerged in the shape of HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS just when everything seemed hopeless. This expert crew saved the day, acting as though they were a computer wizard with a talent for solving intricate cyber puzzles. A ray of hope appeared in the otherwise hopeless world of cryptocurrency theft when the victim, by sheer happenstance, discovered HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS exclusive and customized services. With trepidation and a hint of skepticism, the victim embarked on a journey of recovery with HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS. The initial consultation felt like a breath of fresh air, as the team delved deep into the intricacies of the case with a level of expertise that inspired newfound confidence. Through open collaboration and unwavering transparency, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS guided the victim through the recovery process, turning what seemed like a lost cause into a tale of triumph in the world of digital deception. In a plot twist worthy of a blockbuster movie, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS swooped in and managed to reclaim the $100,000 that had disappeared into the murky depths of the internet. Cue the dramatic music and slow-motion high-fives. When the long-lost funds finally made their way back into the account, it was a moment of sweet victory and disbelief. With the money back where it rightfully belonged, the next step involved tightening security measures and perhaps treating oneself to a well-deserved celebratory dinner - because overcoming cyber villains deserves a toast. Through this rollercoaster of a saga, valuable lessons emerged like phoenixes from the ashes. Always stay vigilant, keep those virtual doors locked, and never underestimate the power of a trusty cyber-sleuth on your side. Consult HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS via below contact details. info @ hackathontechsolution . com or through WhatsApp +31 647 999 256

Darlene Randall says:

March 26th 2024 10:22pm

I have become aware of a number of reports of individuals losing money to investment frauds. These scams have also made me a victim. My Bitcoin losses exceeded 150,000 euros last year. Seeking to work with people, I sought around, but unfortunately, I was also tricked. Prior to my discovery of DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, this continued for a few months. A tragedy as heartbreaking as losing Bitcoins can happen in our increasingly digital society, where the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Envision years of financial commitments, aspirations, and goals that suddenly disappear. Prior to hopelessness setting in, however, businesses such as  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY   surface, offering to act as your virtual Houdini, recovering items that were believed gone for good. The innovative digital money, bitcoin, has experienced an incredible journey. Although its value has skyrocketed and attracted millions, its decentralized structure also presents unique challenges. In contrast to conventional bank accounts, lost Bitcoins cannot be recovered by a central authority. In the aforementioned situation,  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY might be useful. I can say again that they are equipped with the know-how and means to search the dark web for your lost Bitcoins. Customers who have been reunited with their digital money are portrayed on their website as success stories. Data recovery firms like  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  may provide hope,  the hope, considering how distressing losing Bitcoin may be. Nevertheless, proceed with extra care. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, make sure you are aware of the wizards, and complete your homework. Do not forget that cure is never better than prevention. Secure your Bitcoins first by putting robust security measures in place.  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  is a digital magic wand that specializes in retrieving lost or unreachable bitcoins. By applying their expertise and cutting-edge tools, they want to make the seemingly unachievable feasible. Your bitcoins are in good hands since the  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  team is made up of seasoned experts who bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the subject of digital currency recovery. The loss of something significant in the digital sphere feels like a contemporary tragedy because the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Imagine misplacing the key to your life savings—not a tangible item, but rather a convoluted code that represents your bitcoins.This is the terrible reality that many people must deal with,but organizations like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  provide a ray of hope by helping people reclaim things that were previously believed to be gone forever. As quickly as possible, give this professional team an opportunity to retrieve back what you  lost.  Email: digitalhackrecovery (@) techie ( . ) com, or  kindly reach them via telegram : (digitalhackrecovery),  For quick and fast communication⁚ Whatsapp⁚ + 1 (201) 887 1705

Darlene Randall says:

March 26th 2024 10:22pm

I have become aware of a number of reports of individuals losing money to investment frauds. These scams have also made me a victim. My Bitcoin losses exceeded 150,000 euros last year. Seeking to work with people, I sought around, but unfortunately, I was also tricked. Prior to my discovery of DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, this continued for a few months. A tragedy as heartbreaking as losing Bitcoins can happen in our increasingly digital society, where the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Envision years of financial commitments, aspirations, and goals that suddenly disappear. Prior to hopelessness setting in, however, businesses such as  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY   surface, offering to act as your virtual Houdini, recovering items that were believed gone for good. The innovative digital money, bitcoin, has experienced an incredible journey. Although its value has skyrocketed and attracted millions, its decentralized structure also presents unique challenges. In contrast to conventional bank accounts, lost Bitcoins cannot be recovered by a central authority. In the aforementioned situation,  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY might be useful. I can say again that they are equipped with the know-how and means to search the dark web for your lost Bitcoins. Customers who have been reunited with their digital money are portrayed on their website as success stories. Data recovery firms like  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  may provide hope,  the hope, considering how distressing losing Bitcoin may be. Nevertheless, proceed with extra care. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, make sure you are aware of the wizards, and complete your homework. Do not forget that cure is never better than prevention. Secure your Bitcoins first by putting robust security measures in place.  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  is a digital magic wand that specializes in retrieving lost or unreachable bitcoins. By applying their expertise and cutting-edge tools, they want to make the seemingly unachievable feasible. Your bitcoins are in good hands since the  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  team is made up of seasoned experts who bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the subject of digital currency recovery. The loss of something significant in the digital sphere feels like a contemporary tragedy because the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Imagine misplacing the key to your life savings—not a tangible item, but rather a convoluted code that represents your bitcoins.This is the terrible reality that many people must deal with,but organizations like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  provide a ray of hope by helping people reclaim things that were previously believed to be gone forever. As quickly as possible, give this professional team an opportunity to retrieve back what you  lost.  Email: digitalhackrecovery (@) techie ( . ) com, or  kindly reach them via telegram : (digitalhackrecovery),  For quick and fast communication⁚ Whatsapp⁚ + 1 (201) 887 1705

Darlene Randall says:

March 26th 2024 10:22pm

I have become aware of a number of reports of individuals losing money to investment frauds. These scams have also made me a victim. My Bitcoin losses exceeded 150,000 euros last year. Seeking to work with people, I sought around, but unfortunately, I was also tricked. Prior to my discovery of DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, this continued for a few months. A tragedy as heartbreaking as losing Bitcoins can happen in our increasingly digital society, where the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Envision years of financial commitments, aspirations, and goals that suddenly disappear. Prior to hopelessness setting in, however, businesses such as  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY   surface, offering to act as your virtual Houdini, recovering items that were believed gone for good. The innovative digital money, bitcoin, has experienced an incredible journey. Although its value has skyrocketed and attracted millions, its decentralized structure also presents unique challenges. In contrast to conventional bank accounts, lost Bitcoins cannot be recovered by a central authority. In the aforementioned situation,  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY might be useful. I can say again that they are equipped with the know-how and means to search the dark web for your lost Bitcoins. Customers who have been reunited with their digital money are portrayed on their website as success stories. Data recovery firms like  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  may provide hope,  the hope, considering how distressing losing Bitcoin may be. Nevertheless, proceed with extra care. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, make sure you are aware of the wizards, and complete your homework. Do not forget that cure is never better than prevention. Secure your Bitcoins first by putting robust security measures in place.  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  is a digital magic wand that specializes in retrieving lost or unreachable bitcoins. By applying their expertise and cutting-edge tools, they want to make the seemingly unachievable feasible. Your bitcoins are in good hands since the  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  team is made up of seasoned experts who bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the subject of digital currency recovery. The loss of something significant in the digital sphere feels like a contemporary tragedy because the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Imagine misplacing the key to your life savings—not a tangible item, but rather a convoluted code that represents your bitcoins.This is the terrible reality that many people must deal with,but organizations like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  provide a ray of hope by helping people reclaim things that were previously believed to be gone forever. As quickly as possible, give this professional team an opportunity to retrieve back what you  lost.  Email: digitalhackrecovery (@) techie ( . ) com, or  kindly reach them via telegram : (digitalhackrecovery),  For quick and fast communication⁚ Whatsapp⁚ + 1 (201) 887 1705


March 24th 2024 09:20am

I lost my bitcoin because I fell victim to a spam email encouraging me to invest in a bitcoin company that was going to yield 100% profits in 2 months, so i invested $5000 ,when it was time to withdraw my funds ,they asked me to pay $2000 to unlock my money which I did, I kept paying the fees they requested for until I could no longer take it, I got introduced to hackrontech @gmail com recovery expert by my friend, I decided to take the risk and contacted them (hackrontech@gmail.com) to recover my funds and to my greatest surprise I had my funds handed to me

George Martins says:

March 9th 2024 01:07am

RECOVER All YOUR LOST FUNDS BACK WITH THE HELP OF MAYE MUSK CYBER SECURITY SERVICES. I had lost over $115,000 to a fake broker and I lost hope of ever making profit through binary trading. After the loss, I had a long research on how to recover the lost funds, I came across Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Hacker, a Specialized Crypto Recovery Expert who helped Scam Victims recover their Lost Funds. After submitting my case the expert worked on my case and all my funds were recovered back. If you suspect your Credit card, email, password, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, accounts has been hacked, you need to Recover stolen money from scammers by any means of transfers: PayPal Transfer, Venmo Transfer, Cash App Transfer, Bank Transfer, Western Union Transfer, MoneyGram Transfer, Ria Transfer, World remit Transfer e.t.c also you can recover your lost crypto wallet address. Report the incident to Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services. they can also help you recover your lost crypto by providing an experience team of security experts and forensic investigators who can investigate the loss, identify the source of the compromise, Recovery Wizard Maye Musk will help you retrieve your stolen Funds, in addition, Recovery Wizard Maye Musk Cyber Security Services can provide you with educational materials for staying safe online and give you access to cutting-edge cyber threat intelligence. They can also identify potential security breaches or vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss of your information. Email: Recoverywizardmayemusk@cyberservices.com Website: https://recoverywizardmaye.wixsite.com/my-site-1

Maria Robert says:

February 26th 2024 11:21am

EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY;CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD. Do you need help in; Reclaiming lost Crypto Wallets, retrieving Crypto lost to Scammers, reporting a Bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about it, You should hire a legitimate Expert in Crypto Recovery Wizard, A specialized Expert with cyber specialties to recover scammed funds from swindlers. After losing $374,000 to an Online bogus investment company, I had tried countless times looking for a way to recover my funds. Most of the recovery companies I tried out ended up dumping me more funds. I came to learn about CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD through my old time Colleague, I got in touch with the Expert, and after submitting my reports, The Expert was able to recover my funds. Contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD via Contact Info; Email: cryptorecoverywizard@gmail.com

Maria Robert says:

February 26th 2024 11:21am

EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY;CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD. Do you need help in; Reclaiming lost Crypto Wallets, retrieving Crypto lost to Scammers, reporting a Bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about it, You should hire a legitimate Expert in Crypto Recovery Wizard, A specialized Expert with cyber specialties to recover scammed funds from swindlers. After losing $374,000 to an Online bogus investment company, I had tried countless times looking for a way to recover my funds. Most of the recovery companies I tried out ended up dumping me more funds. I came to learn about CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD through my old time Colleague, I got in touch with the Expert, and after submitting my reports, The Expert was able to recover my funds. Contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD via Contact Info; Email: cryptorecoverywizard@gmail.com

megan moroney says:

January 27th 2024 01:12pm

Osecybersailing is a first class hacking team that can aid in the recovery of your misplaced cryptocurrency, lost Facebook account and hacking your partner Whatsapp to know if they are cheating on you. For a long time, I was very confused and i always felt awful about my partner’s cheating attitude. I really wanted to track and catch him red-handed. I spoke with a trusted colleague of mine at work and she gave me a genuine recommendation about an ethical private investigator named Osecybersailing. Osecybersailing and their extraordinary team emerged as the catalysts of change. Their exceptional knowledge and relentless determination Helped me to see all the lies that my partner have been saying. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you. If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing's team guide you towards the light of redemption. Facebook page: Osecybersailing Email: osecybersailing@cyberservices.com Telegram: osecybersailing

Souza Selma says:

December 11th 2023 12:02pm

Everyday news reveals Millions of people have lost their wealth to Bitcoin scam which is now so rampant. You can restore the funds those scammers took from you. Bitcoin recovery is one aspect which everyone needs to be careful about. Because I was once a victim of this before, not everything you see on the Internet is real, you need to be very careful cause some people get scam by fake investment platform and go ahead looking for recovery agency to get back there money in the process they get scam again, but a friend recommended a perfect recovery company who help to get this fixed and work out. So today I am glad to recommend the company to whoever lost his or her Bitcoins or cryptocurrency. I would strongly love to recommend Geo Coordinates Hacker. Contact their experts today and they will help you recover your losses. Contact: Email geocoordinateshacker@proton.me. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com I hope and pray this info will help you get your money back.

Grace Peterson says:

December 2nd 2023 12:47pm

I strongly JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP: I think they are the best in terms of credit repair. I had worked with different credit companies in the past, but there was no significant change on my credit report. So many credit forums recommended DYI, I tried every credit hack in the book all o no avail. A real estate agent introduced me to Mr. Jerry, who has been helping his clients. Mr. Jerry and his team helped me erase all the negative things on my report, and raised my score to excellent score across all three bureaus. I’m recommending as promised. They are available on gmail: JERRYLINKGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM or +16265140620

Grace Peterson says:

December 2nd 2023 12:46pm

I strongly JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP: I think they are the best in terms of credit repair. I had worked with different credit companies in the past, but there was no significant change on my credit report. So many credit forums recommended DYI, I tried every credit hack in the book all o no avail. A real estate agent introduced me to Mr. Jerry, who has been helping his clients. Mr. Jerry and his team helped me erase all the negative things on my report, and raised my score to excellent score across all three bureaus. I’m recommending as promised. They are available on gmail: JERRYLINKGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM or +16265140620

Joffrey Martinez says:

November 27th 2023 08:19am

JerryLink Credit Group has made a huge impact in my life. When I was in college, I unfortunately had to rely on my credit cards to help me with my expenses. By the time I finished college, I was unable to pay back a lot of those debts. As a result of that I ended up with a very low credit score and quite a few collections, so I sought out JerryLink Credit Group. They were able to make a huge impact on my credit score. It went from the 500’s to the 700’s in a couple weeks. I couldn’t believe it. With that help, I was able to do so much more, lower the interest rate on financing my car, and to get approved for a great travel credit card which has really helped us while planning our wedding now. It’s been absolutely wonderful and I’m appreciative because I didn’t believe this process. Recommending as promised, you can reach out to them via: JERRYLINKGROUP@GMAIL.COM or text 626 514 0620.

Bills Sarah says:

November 21st 2023 09:52am

I applied for a business loan and surgery loan for my daughter’s health early February, condition I was told I would be considered and contacted but never got to hear from any of the lenders. A credit repair agent said I would have to be on a 700+ score to be considered but never told how to get my score up to that in no long time. I had a 539 Score. I bumped into a credit review forum where PENTIUM TECHS was mentioned by many people who claimed he fixed their credit. I contacted the hacker out of curiosity and desperation on his email pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com we got talking and he gave me a week to delete collections and 2 charge offs. He also got my credit up to 765. I got the surgery loan and was contacted as regards the business loans I applied for. All thanks to PENTIUM TECHS

Shovel says:

November 20th 2023 06:00pm

Some couple months ago I was reading an article about this great Hacker, He is the best for credit score increase and credit report fix of any type. I will advise you all to get in touch with him for help, He helped me increase my credit card limit and also boost up my credit score to an excellent plus. His services are fast, secured and reliable without stress: PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM

Bobs Ernest says:

November 18th 2023 05:01pm

My family and I ended up homeless 2 years ago after I lost my job. I am a disabled combat veteran trying to buy a home. My family and I wanted to purchase a home but my poor credit score ruined every effort made to actualize that goal and it was a nightmare. I decided to look for help online and luckily for me, I ran into PENTIUM TECHS (PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM), they were highly recommended for a quick and permanent credit repair so I hired them immediately. After 6 days, they raised my score to a whooping 791 and deleted all the negative items affecting my report. Thereafter, we got the house and we had a happily ever after kind of family story.

Leo Antonio says:

October 7th 2023 04:12am

Truly Genuine Hackers exist, I will introduce REVOX CREDIT to everyone out there for you to get your credit report fixed, his very kind. He helped me raise my FICO score back to normal and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items, collections and late payments in 7days. His fast and reliable in terms of fixing credit related issues. Contact Him via Email: REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

Lattimore says:

September 29th 2023 09:26am

Hello, I’m Leah, TBH having digital currency can be a confusing endeavour for some of us, but with the help of Pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com wallet hacks, they guide me through the process every step of the way. I took advantage of the exciting technology opportunity and got back all my crypto asset from scammers. Send them a message today to know more.

Maria Clarks says:

September 22nd 2023 11:30pm

FAST CREDIT REPAIR SERVICE I started the year with a bad credit score, lingering debts and derogatory record which affected my ability to finance a new home, including a new car. I tried a few credit restoration firms but all were abortive until I saw a post about HACK VANISH CREDIT SPECIALIST. I reached out to them and surprisingly they helped cleaned-up my derogatory and raised my FICO score to 782 across all three bureaus, within a short period of time I got qualified for a new home, and also purchased my dream car. Anyone with related issues can reach out to them for assistance via [Hackvanish @ Gmail. Com] or Phone: (2 0 9 ) 3 3 0 - 3 0 4 7.

Mateo Diego says:

August 30th 2023 05:23pm

I am age 46years, I was skeptical about fixing my credit with REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST. A colleague told me to try working with them which I contacted them through their email REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM . to my greatest surprise my credit was back to normal in all 3 bureaus, clearing a debt of $34000 in just 9days. I strongly recommend them to all who need credit solution

Alessandra Watson says:

August 22nd 2023 05:32pm

TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR did a fantastic job in helping me get a home of my choice. I had bankruptcy two years ago. Everyone I spoke to said there was nothing they could do. So I contacted Trovian and listed all the negatives impacts affecting my credit report and how he could help me out. His responses were encouraging and he went ahead with the process, he removed the bankruptcy of 2yrs from my credit and every other thing that has been depriving me from getting a home and my score was high I got qualified for a FHA loan. He also walked me through the complete process and helped me get a $240,000 loan from my bank which I used to set up a new business for myself. I cannot say how grateful I am for his help and willingness to tell everyone out there about him. You can reach him with his direct details. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text (424) 3074562. Thanks and may God bless you all.

Diana McGregor says:

April 17th 2023 11:05am

What can I say; I’m really impressed with their service. After using ovation for a while without any impact, I decided to give JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP a try. I’m blown away with their service! I can’t believe they deleted all my collections and raised my credit score. I’m at 780 credit score and I applied for a credit card which was approved with a credit line of $5k and our dream of owning a house will come true soon. Before this, I’ve never had a credit card limit higher than $300.I strongly recommend their services. You can reach out to them via JERRYLINKGROUP@GMAIL.COM

Leonard Gilbert says:

March 19th 2023 01:49am

Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy!!! Bouncing back from bankruptcy can be a bit dicey! I filed chapter 7 a year ago, my assets were liquidated and used to settle most of my debts, while most of the remaining debts were discharged. I found out to my dismay that my credit score had dropped drastically. I tried almost every card company but didn’t get approved, some interest rate were so outrageous that I had to decline. I was practically living from hand to mouth. A neighbor of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION a credit specialist who had helped him in the past. I contacted them and they helped me remove all the negatives from my credit report (including bankruptcy)! And raised my credit score to 700s across all three bureaus and also gave me guidelines to maintain my credit score. I’m so happy and grateful to them for this great help. I’m recommending their services as promised to anyone in need of credit related assistance. You can reach them via METRONETCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM or Whatsapp: +16265140620.

Leonard Gilbert says:

March 19th 2023 01:49am

Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy!!! Bouncing back from bankruptcy can be a bit dicey! I filed chapter 7 a year ago, my assets were liquidated and used to settle most of my debts, while most of the remaining debts were discharged. I found out to my dismay that my credit score had dropped drastically. I tried almost every card company but didn’t get approved, some interest rate were so outrageous that I had to decline. I was practically living from hand to mouth. A neighbor of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION a credit specialist who had helped him in the past. I contacted them and they helped me remove all the negatives from my credit report (including bankruptcy)! And raised my credit score to 700s across all three bureaus and also gave me guidelines to maintain my credit score. I’m so happy and grateful to them for this great help. I’m recommending their services as promised to anyone in need of credit related assistance. You can reach them via METRONETCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM or Whatsapp: +16265140620.

Leonard Gilbert says:

March 19th 2023 01:34am

Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy!!! Bouncing back from bankruptcy can be a bit dicey! I filed chapter 7 a year ago, my assets were liquidated and used to settle most of my debts, while most of the remaining debts were discharged. I found out to my dismay that my credit score had dropped drastically. I tried almost every card company but didn’t get approved, some interest rate were so outrageous that I had to decline. I was practically living from hand to mouth. A neighbor of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION a credit specialist who had helped him in the past. I contacted them and they helped me remove all the negatives from my credit report (including bankruptcy)! And raised my credit score to 700s across all three bureaus and also gave me guidelines to maintain my credit score. I’m so happy and grateful to them for this great help. I’m recommending their services as promised to anyone in need of credit related assistance. You can reach them via METRONETCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM or Whatsapp: +16265140620.

Jonathan Harold says:

March 16th 2023 12:55am

A key aspect of your financial life is your credit score. Higher credit scores increase your chances of being approved for loans and credit cards with the best terms, which will save you a lot of money and hassle. You're not alone if your credit score isn't where you want it to be. Of course, there are actions you can do to raise your credit score, such as making on-time payments on your bills and clearing previous debts. But due to the current economic conditions throughout the world, raising your credit score by making on-time payments on your bills and paying off existing debts may take an eternity. If you're determined to put an end to the horror (bad credit score), then I strongly recommend Metronet Credit Solution. They’re reliable, fast and secured, they helped me raise my credit score to excellent from the initial poor score. They’re available on Whats-app: +16265140620 and Email: metronetcreditsolution@gmail.com


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